The Great American Divide: “Is There Hope?”

  • Reading time:9 mins read

It never ends, does it?

The great bloodsport of our day is raging, Politics – -it divides families, friends, fools, fiends and the family dog. We are destorying ourselves because we are divided. One of the biggest problems, in my humble opinion, is that we do not understand how to properly view the office of the President, the purpose of the Supreme Court, the duty of the Legislature, and the traditional success of the two-party system. Because it’s importance is misplaced, we are misshaped. Because it is misunderstood, we misunderstand.

The question we need to first answer about this hated and debated subject is this: Is Politics a Science (a subject to study) or a Religion (a dogma to worship)? How you answer that will determine the intensity of your passion and hatred of those you disagree with. I can remember taking a class in High School back in the 80’s that was objectively titled, “Political Science,” but this subject in regular society has morphed into something that is subjectively divisive and destructive. Everything has become a battle. Let me show you the three main stress points to evaluate science vs. religion…

When you read the Constitution of the United States, it is clear the President, the Executive Officer of the State, was assumed to be a fallible being. Look at the vow the person must make, “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:–“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Why does he have to swear that he will do his job? Because he needs to be held accountable.

How do we know he is fallible? Because in Article 2 Section 4, it says, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” This means the person who is hired is under an obligation to perform, and we have every right to evaluate if someone is derelict of duty.

We, the people, are constitutionally given the right to demand things: As servants of the people they need to both behave and perform. Notice, we are not hiring a saint, a savior, or a sinless wonder. Every President we ever hired was flawed. Yes, we need to do our best to mitigate against that, consider character, but we must also realize the person we hire will not be perfect. We hire someone to do a job, to perform, to serve the people well – – never to Save!

So this means we should be able to objectively discuss a person’s policies, performance, and even political savy and ability without being accused of heresy and anarchy. When we see a President or Governor or Congressman as a Savior, criticism is akin to blasphemy. We must be allowed to reasonably judge actions, because all are flawed and as they say, “Actions speak louder than words”, even if the media tries to spin a man as the Savior we have long been waiting for. That Savior does not exist. Even John F. Kennedy had skeletons in his prayer closet.

This is where we need to get better as Americans. If someone disagrees with you and does not like your candidate, don’t immediately condemn them, give them a hearing. Do you think people disagree because they are evil or because they have an evidence based argument?

In an article by George Yancey for The Gospel Coalition entitled “Who’s More Political: Progressive or Conservative Christians?”, he has found that;

“Progressive Christians prioritize political values more than conservative Christians do. Political conformity is more important for progressive Christians than for conservative Christians…Progressive Christians are less likely than conservative Christians to have different types of believers as friends. Progressive Christians are more likely to reject conservative Christians than conservative Christians are to reject progressive Christians. Progressive Christians envision conservative Christians as barriers to the type of inclusion and tolerance they want in society.”

So, people may think Conservative Christianity is what causes all the division, but Yancey’s research says it actually is the exact opposite. Progressive Christianity, liberalism, is the more malevolent culprit. And the reason is simple, they view dissenters as devilish.

He continues, “Many have righty criticized the entanglement of conservative Christians in politics. Progressive Christians stress political values more than conservative Christians, yet there is less criticism of their activism. This lack of criticism may be due to lower numbers and less political influence of progressive Christians relative to conservative Christians. Nonetheless, it’s worth reflecting on the potential detrimental effects of the political activism of progressive Christians, just as we reflect on the detrimental effects of the political activism of conservative Christians. At the very least, we should dispense with the stereotype that it’s only conservative Christians who impose their faith on politics.”

Disagree with a Conservative’s position, and they will often debate and defend their opinion. That is a very healthy and constructive way to make a more perfect union. Conservatives will sometimes argue passionately, but rarely do they hate. Disagree with a Progressive’s dogma, however, and watch out!!!! Defamation and extreme displeasure soon follows.

Why? Because progressive thought is more religious than they will ever admit.

The debate is often framed like this: Is Freedom about equal opportunity or equal outcome? History has shown us, if you want equal outcome it will always take force and subjection to achieve it. And that is not true freedom.

I find the best way to tell if you are dealing with someone reasonable, they will see that the moment you force cumpulsion you are taking away freedom. Do what you want, that is great, but in your doing you can’t demand me to pay for your doing. If you want to do it, do it. But don’t expect me to fund it.

In the world of politics as science, the goal of science is to figure out which system allows a person to reap the most benefits: what promotes “general welfare?” All real politics can offer is a chance to live as you so desire. If you don’t want to take that chance, you have the freedom to be poor, miserable, and limited. My nieghbor does not owe me a thing.

But when politics becomes religious, it will start demanding obedience. We need to give our all to help others achieve heaven on earth. Russians used to “religiously” believe that communism could achieve equality without God, and yet after 70 years of heavy handed control, Russians had a saying, “The tallest blade of grass is cut down first.” Meaning, if everyone is to be equal than the one who is succeeding needs to be stopped so others will be equal.

Religion wants all people to be saved, science wants all people to have the chance to access the means for success. Religion demands worship, science just offers possible outcomes – but it is up to you.

How about you, are you politically religious? If you are, you may be the one who is impossible to reason with. Politics needs to stay in its lane and leave religion to God.

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