TOP TEN: Political Pet Peeves

  • Reading time:4 mins read

10 whenever actors, athletes, and pop-musicians are seen as experts in policy, especially when discussing supposed moral issues like poverty and wealth distribution; and yet they spend their money on their third house and 5th vacation to Acapulco. (And ironically the millions they make come from playing billionaire Wall Street playboys…and they love every minute of it).

9 when students think their parents, former pastors and leaders are “stuck in the mud politically and socially;” but when the student becomes “stuck in the mud financially or emotionally” the parents, pastors and leaders are the first people they run to. (And it is usually because the progressive voices they have been listening to are never really available to come help them out).

8 when people declare themselves as “independent” not because they really have convictions but because they like to look down on people who do have convictions.

when politicians say they are defenders of the poor while sinking your money into programs that increase systemic poverty; and even though you daily work with the poor and support people and organizations that do, they accuse you as being “someone who doesn’t care” because you want accountability with the services and money you provide.

6 when politicians say they are speaking “on behalf of the American people” but they never say anything you personally agree with.

5 when people claim their ideas are “morally righteous” but they don’t think God or religion has any place in public debate. (Often these same people can be found in progressive gospel denying churches broadcasting their agenda to bring the kingdom of God on earth, while they moan and complain when their opponents try to form their convictions and policies from widely held orthodox biblical teachings).

4 when politicians always expect you to trust their motives and show them loyalty while ignoring their actual words because they have a history of lying through their teeth.

when people accuse you of being on the wrong side of history and you are only trying to be faithful to the one who created history.

2 when people feel morally superior to you because while you see the content of a person’s character as a prime factor in the way you vote; the color of skin or gender is the most important thing to them when they vote (and they will often say they are one of Martin Luther King Jr’s biggest fans).

when people accuse you of being a “single-issue voter” simply because the premeditated murder of an innocent human being really does bother and infuriate you.

* Suggested reading for more fun: “Letters to a Young Progressive” by Mike S. Adams

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