Walking the Tight-Rope (Living Christ in a Political World)

  • Reading time:7 mins read

It is hard to be a Christian these days. When it comes to political debate and trying to discuss what is wrong with our world, a true Christian will often be attacked from both sides. True Christianity demands for me to be a person of mercy, to cry and weep for the broken-hearted…we are to be “channels of God’s peace.” True Christianity also demands for me hate evil; we must be honest about what is in the heart of man. In John 2:24 it even says, “Jesus did not entrust himself to men because he knew what was in them.”

In other words, as scripture says, “we must be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” This is a very difficult tight-rope to walk, especially when it comes to the political hot-topics of the day. No matter what side you take, someone on the internet or your college poly-sci classroom will either call you a “Cold Hearted Bigot” or “Weak Willed Softy.” Let me give you a prime example of this. 

Earlier this week after my last blog-post I had someone write me because they really are trying to make sense out of this crazy world. Here is the conversation we had, and I will keep their name anonymous to protect the innocent. If you have any problems with our line of reasoning, attack me, I am used to people disagreeing with me. (Darin Niemi is my friend if that tells you anything?)…

Anonymous“Hey, if you are ever looking for something to write, I’m sure you don’t need to look but just in case, I’d love to hear your thoughts & Scripture gleanings on taking in or not taking in refugees. If you already posted something I missed it. Thanks again.”

Chris W: “Wow, I will really think long and hard on it.”

Anonymous: “Only if you have any interest.”

Chris W: “I do, but I know it is both tricky and volatile. Even having a discussion with the Mexicans I love here in the United States over the topic of immigration really fires them up. Add to that the possibility of covert terrorists and the discussion ramps emotions up. And then trying to fit that into Old Testament teaching on caring for the alien adds a whole number of issues…so, yes it interests me and scares me at the same time….”

Anonymous: “Haha! I understand that fear. It is something that I’ve been approached on numerous times lately in the secular world & I haven’t really known what to say. I am a compassionate person by nature & being a woman God made me to want to wrap my arms around people in those situations & nurture them. This situation is soooo complex though! On one hand I feel so blessed & compelled to help out of my abundance but on another I feel like a pawn in their evil game. Honestly I feel like situations like the Mexican immigrants are so vastly different than the current refugee crisis. Those families were/are looking for a better life for their families. For opportunity. To embrace a new culture & become part of it. To give back. Ok, so I loooove many of those Mexican families!!! I always have & always will. I’m not sure I can think objectively when it comes to them. Anyways, in the world I currently walk in they are looking for a reason to criticize my Christianity. Not necessarily me as a person but my beliefs. If I say “no” to giving charity to refugee’s then I have no idea what Jesus was all about & I need to read the Bible more etc…. But, isn’t there a place for wisdom too? Anyways, I suppose this actually isn’t much different than most of the current cultural issues. Here’s the conundrum I find myself in most days….I want people to love my Savior but I can’t change who He is to make His ways easier to swallow or more politically correct. They have to align themselves with HIM not the other way around. The chasm is sooo wide sometimes I just feel a little hopeless.”

Chris W: “Hey,, I have an idea. Can I approach this subject by using what you just said but make you anonymous? Your questions are spot on and I could title my blog post along the line of “walking a tight-rope”, a serious Christian considers their role in being a redemptive agent in a broken world. I wont use your name, but I will use your questions as a way to illustrate the tension of trying to express the love of Christ in a world gone mad.”

Anonymous: “Absolutely. That IS exactly how I feel. Like I’m trying to express the love of Christ in a world gone MAD!!! Yes!! I am looking forward to this.”

So… after thinking long and hard on this issue of refugees, my answer is very nuanced and complex. Here it is, are you ready for it?  

“I have no idea what to do.”

I am not an expert, I am not daily monitoring the situation of terrorism and I don’t fully understand all the issues over in Syria. Nor do you. So instead of knee-jerk reactions, we must be open to conversation.  Jared Doty, with his own twisted brand of humor, hit the nail on the head with a post he put on Facebook yesterday “This just in! Complex issues are typically not handled well on Facebook.”

He is sooo right on. We have every right to discuss and wrestle with what is a righteous response to complex political issues, but we must be careful with thinking we can really figure out the whole thing. Some people will be so open-hearted about letting in refugees to the country, but they won’t have people over for dinner they don’t like. And then there are those who don’t trust the government for anything, but they sure want the government to have more police patrolling the streets.

I know as Christians God has set up systems that each have different roles and responsibilities. In Romans 13 God has sanctioned the sword for the purpose of subduing evil in society. But in Matthew 5:39 we are to turn the cheek when I am personally offended. Being a Christian is tricky because sin has made everything so complex,

You want a better world, pray for your leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2), don’t repay evil for evil with your enemies (1 Peter 3:9), and when you come across a difficult situation or event ask God for wisdom and he will give it (James 1:5). I can hear it now, “So, you didn’t answer the question, what do you think about the refugees?” I told you, I don’t know – – I am praying for our leaders that they will make wise choices.

Is it a cop-out? Yes, but I also know I don’t really know anything. And stop acting like you do!

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