Sorry, Taylor, I Can’t Calm Down

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Taylor Swift thinks I am mean, and I need to calm down.

More than that, she thinks I am a toothless piece of trailer trash who deserves to be made fun of. Just look at her new pro-LGBTQ video called “You Need to Calm Down.” 

Yesterday, The Federalist wrote a scathing article about Taylor Swift’s video by saying, “It’s all grotesquely elitist when you consider that she’s mocking people with less money while appropriating a trailer park lifestyle for three minutes of breezy, colorful fun. (Support for same-sex marriage declines along with income and education level.) Are there a lot of crazy people who yell at Swift on the Internet? Some, sure. But she went with a very specific type. The message is basically, “We’re beautiful and right; You’re poor and dumb.” If that sounds reductive or based on caricatures that would never be tolerated if used against the left’s pet identity groups, watch the video again. “


So should I be scared when Taylor Swift mocks me? Should I be offended? Am I really a hater…or is she? Well, she sure has more money than I do, she has cooler friends like Ellen and Katey Perry, and she has a more important job…singing pop-songs sure makes the world a better place as compared to being one of those patriarchal supporting ministers of the Gospel.

But why do I need to calm down?

Well her answer is simple, “Control your urges to scream about all the people you hate, cause shade never made anyone less gay.” That sounds so cool, such profundity of deep wisdom, but her answer is wrong on three counts:

(1) Being against homosexuality is not because a person hates, but rather it is because a person loves. If you let someone live in a lifestyle that is killing them and you don’t warn them or try to help them out of it, that is not love! To me, hatred causes a person to turn a blind eye to a person’s pitiful condition. Hatred doesn’t care. Hatred lets a person live in a state of blindness. The gay lifestyle is killing people and if you love the gay person you need to speak up and let them know. Here is one tiny little stat from a surprisingly honest article titled “The Epidemic of Gay Loneliness (” and it says, “Gay men in those states showed a 37 percent increase in mood disorders, a 42 percent increase in alcoholism and a 248 percent increase in generalized anxiety disorder.” Think about that, a 248 percent increase is not a good thing. So no, I cannot stay calm when people who are made in God’s image are being taken advantage of by the LGBTQ lies, lies and more lies.

(2) She is wrong, secondly, because no one is really screaming about it anymore. The only people screaming these days are the people who are demanding that we accept their gayness. Most Christians have given up speaking out, and most are now giving in. There is only a small minority of fundamentalist crazies that are at rallies arguing and fighting. But if Taylor was honest, it is the homosexual community that is screaming at the Christians trying to get them to propagate an agenda they disagree with. That is what her stupid video is all about –  she is throwing shade at Christians trying to humiliate them into subjugation. If you were to go to any Pride Parade it is the gay people who make you watch their perversity, they shove their strangeness in your face and you are supposed to simply smile and applaud. They are the ones screaming in our faces. They are the ones who are not remaining calm. Secretly I think their anger is simple to understand: Deep in their heart, they know they were not made to be this way, and their screaming is their way of trying to convince themselves it is ok to be gay when they know it is not.

(3) God will not be mocked. The whole point of Romans 1:18-32 is that God’s wrath is currently being revealed. It is not raining down on us in the form of fire and brimstone (that comes later). God’s revealed judgment is his “giving people over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” I know what the pro-gay theologian will say to me at this point: “You are taking that out of context, it is a cultural statement.” I beg to differ. This verse is clearly about rebellion and suppression of truth. How can you remain calm when people are “exchanging the truth of God for a lie”? Remember what 1 Corinthians 6:9 says, “Do you not know the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?” Included in that are the “sexually immoral and homosexual offenders.” I am not saying that because I hate, I say that because it is true. 

In the last month, a number of relatively young people I know have died. My job is constantly surrounded by death. So I have an obligation to prepare people to meet their maker. Since that is true I can’t stay calm.

I just can’t.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. David Erickson


  2. Jan Weston

    Wonderfully said I couldn’t agree more.

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