“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
Matthew 7:5
The world has gone mad, and there are only a few adults left to run the asylum – – and you my dear, misguided, blind friend, are definitely not one of them. So take your pills, sit there in your straight-jacket, and shut up. Nurse Ratched is in charge.
Who is Nurse Ratched? Those in this world who like to diagnose other people’s problems and then tell them what to do and how to behave. People like the writer of a recent article in the Huffington Post I was asked to read last week; the title is “When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression.”
The author believes that there are those in our country that are like a guy at his work that will always take the right-of-way expecting people to move to the side when he walks by. When someone dares to bump into him he cries “foul.” This, says the author, is how the privileged class in America behaves. If they don’t always get their way, they whine and moan. So who is this whining privileged class according to this author? Listen to what he says:
All this anger we see from people screaming “All Lives Matter” in response to black protesters at rallies. All this anger we see from people insisting that their “religious freedom” is being infringed because a gay couple wants to get married. All these people angry about immigrants, angry about Muslims, angry about “Happy Holidays,” angry about not being able to say bigoted things without being called a bigot…
The whining privileged class seems to be those who are simply trying to stand on traditional values and the rule of law. In many ways, I understand what he saying, and agree that we need to be accepting other people’s opinions and not be “racist bigots.” Yes, we live in a country that is democratic, so we need to listen and respect other people’s ideas. But what if I disagree and really believe some things to be true and right? What if I am standing on real convictions and disagree with you on principle; does that make me a privileged jerk?
It seems like anyone who has any sort of standards, or believes that living morally is good for a community is the real villain; by creating guidelines for what we think promotes a civilized society, we are actually standing in the way of other’s freedom. Not only are we not allowed to have a voice, but when we do express our position, those who disagree are given “carte’ blanche” to attack and judge us. They are Nurse Ratched, we have become the inmate in the asylum:
“You are homophobic if you disagree with gay marriage, promoting trans-gendered bathrooms, and don’t like the idea of a gay Boy Scouts.”
“You are racist if you don’t let a group of black protesters interrupt the political rally or demand for a waiting period for Muslims to have access into our country.”
“You are a misogynist if you believe abortion is wrong, and want to stop funding an organization that may be trafficking human body parts.”
“You are a selfish imperialist if you don’t want to provide free health care, free education, free meals, free housing to the disadvantaged. You are a cold-hearted creep.”
And Nurse Ratched is never wrong, she never has to clear the log out of her eye. Don’t you see, what we once thought was “good” (teaching hard work, saving, sacrificing, encouraging marriage and family, rewarding a person because of character and not color) is now “bad.” So we must now enforce Nurse Ratched’s “new good”: Which is to encourage everyone to “be and do” whatever they want to “be and do” while demanding others to pay for it. Those who complain about the “new good” need to take their pills, sit down and shut-up…and of course open their wallets.
I agree with Nurse Ratched that this world is messed up. But it is messed up on both sides. There are bigots on both sides, there are rich misers who hide under the establishment and tax codes written for their benefit on both sides, there are many who know how to play the system on both sides, and there are sexual perverts on both sides.
My problem with Nurse Ratched is that you are not allowed to argue with her, because she alone knows what is good for you!