The Hillary & Donald Disaster

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Between the two of them they can claim 4 out of 7!
“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue…a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

It is not his comb-over nor his plastic sons who stand behind him.

It is not her pantsuits nor her creepy-crawly husband lurking in the shadows.

It is not his million dollar casinos, nor her million dollar mansion in Chappaqua.

The problem with both of them, and for that matter most politicians in general, is that “words really matter” – – but they don’t seem to care. Ever since Richard Nixon’s infamous Watergate debacle, words for most of our leaders have lost any semblance of sincerity. They have become tools to posture, to manipulate, to promise future illusions for present power.

One writer observes, “Words themselves are at a historic low point in the advanced modern world. On the one hand, modern words suffer from inattention. Everyone is speaking and no one is listening. On the other hand, modern words suffer from inflation. Under the impact of the omnipresence of advertising and ‘adspeak’ words are nothing more than tools to sell products and agendas.”

Does this quote not describe both Hillary and Donald?

She uses words for the purpose of filler space so she can dodge, squirm and deflect. Words are a way to hide for her. She is the master of “obfuscation”. Don’t know what obfuscate means? That’s the point, it means to render something unclear and unintelligible. It is a sophisticated form of lying. While portraying an image of intelligence and transparency, her many words are darkening understanding.

Donald uses words to incite and inflame: “I will win, everything is going to be great, jobs for everyone, and anyone who has anything against me must be the son or daughter of a motherless goat!” His words are not meant to inform or enlighten but to hype. Everything is inflated, symbols full of hot air.

While Hillary dodges, Donald attacks. While Hillary lies, Donald blasts. Both have contributed to the distrust that is at epidemic proportions. Words, just words. But “WORDS REALLY MATTER!”

As one modern cultural critic writes, “Words are never mere words for us, for they are linked indissolubly to truth, freedom, worship and human dignity.”

The only way to have a relationship is with words. The only way to build trust is with words. If I promise you something and my actions prove the promise, trust is built. This is not just “words” it is reality. If you can’t trust my promise, or my teaching, or my sentiment, you will see me as a fraud and trust is broken.

Life is built or destroyed on words.

I once heard the worst sin you could ever master is lying. If you become a good liar, you can get away with anything. Lying is like a thick bucket of whitewash paint that you can plaster over any dirty deed and no one will notice. Lying is the language of the devil.

Words matter.

How are your words? My wife has made mine become better, crisper, clearer. When we were first married she would often tell me, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” That phrased changed my life and made me both a better pastor and person.

How are your words? Is everything awesome, unbelievable and o.k.? What does that even mean? We have become the people of “whatever”, “it is what it is”, “you know”, and “dude”. Are we not better than this?

Words really matter because the mishandling of them is what is destroying our country. When a President makes promises that “rates won’t go up”, or “we are creating shovel ready jobs”, or “we are really angry with terrorists” and then rates go up, jobs creation is failing and terrorists keep bombing, people lose trust.

Words really matter.

“So Chris, who will you vote for?” I don’t know, I really don’t know. Do I vote for the obfuscator or fabricator? I just don’t know? God help me…..

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