The Unwanted Hero (Study on the Non-Essential Gender)

  • Reading time:9 mins read

Co Bao: Why did they pick you? Because you like to fight?
Rambo: I’m expendable.
Co Bao: What mean expendable?
Rambo: It’s like someone invites you to a party and you don’t show up. It doesn’t really matter.

I wonder, if the Titanic disaster would have happened today would men have been put on the life-boats first while the woman and children would have bravely gone down with the ship? Chivalry is not just dead these days, it has become an ongoing joke!

Men, and especially fathers, had their chance, right? The current sentiment (which has been going on for some time now) being sounded out in movies, TV, politics and even social media is for men to “Step aside, because you are really not needed any more. Let the women and children run things; they most certainly can and will do a better job at ordering this world.”

Men have become persons to be pitied; like the poor old Frankenstein monster in the new Christmas commercial. The humble-bumble doesn’t even know how to screw in the light-bulb on his neck; he needs the smart, cute British girl to come to his rescue…”Yeah, Christmas is saved by the children!”

Why do I even care? Shouldn’t I just go crawl in a dark hole somewhere and watch non-stop football? Who needs a man’s opinion – – it really is not that important after all?

Here is why I am writing: I still believe in the importance of a good father, because a good father is what makes for stronger and more successful daughters. In fact, I think male leadership and the role of a dad is one of the greatest gifts given to women, ever!  We need to call “the bluff” to all this silly feminist narrative that has been being blasted at us non-stop for years and has zero basis in reality.

Last week there was an article that really piqued my interest, the title is “White women, own up to it: You’re the reason Hillary Clinton lost” written by an African-American journalist named Dahleen Glanton. She is steaming mad that Hillary lost, and so she needed someone to blame…not men, but silly white women who let men wrongly commandeer the positions of power. Listen to a couple quotes from her article:

“According to a study by the Center for Talent Innovation, a New York-based think tank that studies labor trends involving gender and other areas, black women and white women view power in completely different ways.

As it turns out, black women are nearly three times more likely to aspire to a powerful position with a prestigious title than white women. The reason is simple. Black women are used to being in control.

We come from a long line of matriarchs — black women who prevailed as breadwinners despite a relentless undertow of discrimination and economic hardship, according to the 2014 study, “Ambition in Black and White: The Feminist Narrative Revised.”

The study surmises that their ambivalence is likewise shaped by history. For centuries, the study said, white women have been confined to homemaker and helpmate roles — norms that have proven difficult to escape. 
In other words, some white women carry a lot of guilt about being in charge. They’d rather sit back and let their men take over.”

Dahleen believes “Matriarchy is good” and “being a homemaker” is a prison sentence. Hmm,  I wonder if this sort of thinking has contributed to the fact that more than half of African American children are born to single mothers? Nah, I am not allowed to go there because I am probably a control-hungry white male, and my privileged position has blinded me to my inherent racism. What is interesting even President Obama sees something redeeming in the idea of having a good dad, “There are too many fathers missing from too many homes, missing from too many lives,” he said. “There is harm done to those kids.”

A couple years ago he even started a new fatherhood initiative that gave single dads access to Federal assistance to help them be better dads. The irony is that single moms also could get this money because the politicians didn’t want to keep women from having equal access to something men are able to get. Seems to be self-defeating if your goal is to promote fathers, doesn’t it?

But what really has pushed me over the edge on hating our culture’s feminist agenda is the television show “The Walking Dead,” I know, I know, a pastor should not be watching such a violent and gory show. I don’t watch it for me, I watch it to keep up on what my congregants are watching. I need to know how to preach to them, don’t I? Stop judging me, man!

Anyhow, the premise of the show is to survive against “walkers.” They are dangerous, relentless zombies who are everywhere!! They want to eat the living, and the first couple years they were terrifying. Well, they don’t terrify anymore. That is until the last episode where a woman named Tara had no problem dispatching over 20 walkers with a single stick. The ironic thing about it is that Tara couldn’t even make our high school’s JV football team, but the writers want us to believe that she can sure kill zombies…even more effectively than the male heroes, Rick and Daryl.

Women don’t need men to fight for them, they can do just fine on their own.

I can only suspend disbelief for so long. And now feminists are even trying to have us suspend this disbelief in every area of life – –  including even the military and sporting arena. Feminists argue that women are just as effective as their male counterparts in combat. But according to research, the evidence simply doesn’t support it. A Marine study found that. . .

All-male squads, regardless of infantry MOS, were faster than the gender-integrated squads in each tactical movement.

* On lethality, “All-male 0311 (rifleman) infantry squads had better accuracy compared to gender-integrated squads,

*  There are higher injury rates for females when compared to males performing the same tactical tasks. 

One military expert writes “the military’s physical and psychological toughness standards for men have also declined. The military as a whole — even in basic training — has become kinder and gentler, partly in order to accommodate women.” Isn’t that great, having a kinder, gentler security force?

And now we are asked to suspend our disbelief in the sporting arena as well. Take US Soccer as one example: male professional soccer has an average attendance of 20,000 fans per game, women attract around 5,000 fans. But when the woman’s soccer team felt like they were not being treated fairly because they received lower pay, they went on 60 minutes to complain. During the interview by Norah O’Donnell, they were asked this question, “Do you think you should be paid more than the men’s team?”   

“Yeah, absolutely,” said US midfielder Carli Lloyd.

For me, the problem with feminism isn’t that they want equality, but rather they want superiority. And in order to do that they must bash men while telling lies about women.  

The truth is this… the greatest supporters of women are great fathers.  Dads often are the ones who encourage their daughters the most to work hard, believe in themselves and be strong. Men are not the enemies, they are the God-given protectors, coaches and leaders of their sons and daughters.

Feminists simply want men gone…and the truth is, this does women no good at all. There are truly bad men out there who love it when the good men leave. And maybe the good men have left because they are tired of being disrespected and treated as expendable idiots.

Dear ladies, there is nothing more godly than a strong man. So, be very careful when they become the butt of all your jokes, and treated as the source of all your problems. And honestly, don’t you miss a good lead actor that will save the day instead of a gender confused fella needing to experiment with wearing dresses and trying different colors of fingernail polish like Katelyn Jenner? (He was a much better as an Olympic decathlete than fashion model, wasn’t he?)

So let’s stop this nonsense, let the men kill the zombies.

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