Pastoral Meditations: .07 – I Need a Rest!

  • Reading time:5 mins read

“Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said.” 
Heb. 4:3

What does the word Sabbath mean to you? ______

Did God really get tired when he made the world? ______

God used his rest as an example for us to stop because we really are not as important as we think we are to the workings of the world.  Sometimes, as a pastor, I think we forget this. If we could be honest, this is what we really believe:
   –  the ministry would die if I quit working.
     –  what would people do without my leadership?
     –  I don’t want to let go of control because they will mess it up

Be very careful when these thoughts start creeping in because they could eventually start to ruin your ministry.  Never forget this. . .

1 Corinthians 10:12 –  ________________________

This truth will save your skin.  And the best way to guard against thinking too highly of yourself is ‘taking rest,’ or enjoying Sabbath.


Sunday:  for the pastor, Sunday tends to be the day that he works the hardest.  Sunday is not the replacement of Saturday on the Jewish calendar.  Sabbath is not a day in which you are quiet and sleep and make sure nobody does anything.  So often the concept of Sabbath is seen as a day of complete boredom and seriousness.  How do you feel about the word Sabbath? _______


Well then, what is the Sabbath, especially for the pastor?

(1) State of MIND:  it is allowing your reputation and success to rest solely on the work of God.  If you really believe you are fine in the eyes of God than start resting…if God is in your corner, stop working, you have arrived!  Think about this a minute.  Our striving usually comes from trying to meet some unspoken series of expectations, but if God is fine with you then rest in him.

Never forget this verse, it may save your ministry:  Gal.1 :10
What does it mean to you? _______________________
So if you are pleasing to God, than rest!

(2) a DAY set aside:  I believe the original intent of Sabbath was designed so people would be forced to stop.  Out of a non-legalistic perspective, stopping one day still has merit.    The human body needs to stop, and if you don’t plan it you will not do it.

One day of the week is crucial to stop your work and let resting in God be your pursuit.  As a pastor, what day is good for you?  Some people advise not to take Monday because you are not your best, but for me, it is the day I need to stop the world and enjoy God.

(3) a SEASON of refreshment:  this is not vacation, this is a period of time where you get away and focus on God.  It could be a Sabbatical, or a time to pray, think and stop.  You need to try to find a good chunk of time each year when you can free you mind up to be with God.  Very few pastors do this, that is why very few hear from God.


My simple answer is this:  ENJOY GOD!

Sabbath is intended to be a blessing, not drudgery.  And you need to do those things that bring you to points of :

*  Gratitude:  Gratefulness to be alive and you must find those things that allow you to do this.

*  Refreshment:  What allows you to rest and get the wrinkles out? This isn’t selfish, it is necessary.

*  Awe & Inspiration:  Where can you go, what can you read, what can you do that brings you to wonder?



If you take Sabbath you will be a different person, a changed person, a person that walks with God.

*  Genesis 5:22  –  __________________________________

Are you ready to enjoy God?  _____  So Go! __________

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