Progressive Doublespeak: The Curious Case of Chelsea Handler

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Hypocrite defineda person who pretends to have virtues, moral and religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially by a person whose actions belie stated beliefs…a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Women are spittin’ mad, they are outraged, especially on the feminist left. And for good reason, they are just now discovering that some men are filthy pigs. Many of the male movers and shakers in Hollywood and Washington have been outed as thoroughly debased louses who seem to treat women as nothing more than a slab of meat, or a toy to satisfy their lust driven fantasies and sick desires.

Sexual abuse and assault are everywhere. From the casting couch to a photo shoot with an ex-president, women are being grabbed, touched, propositioned and even forced to do unthinkable things. I can understand the anger.

But before you begin joining the bandwagon that men are the problem that needs to be eradicated, I think many of the women crying foul have been pretty foul themselves. I call this the progressive doublespeak – – acting outraged at a culture they helped cultivate. Let me give you a prime example: Chelsea Handler.

Who is she? Primarily she is a comic who had her own show on Netflix, but according to the Washington Post, she is “leaving her eponymous talk show to pursue political activism.” She is “galvanized” and as a prominent celebrity and progressive voice she wants to use her influence to “ campaign for women who are fighting for women’s rights.” She wants to stand up for women who have been taken advantage of by the Harvey Weinsteins, she wants to participate in a “more meaningful way.” She has decided to join the front lines fighting for women, and joining one women’s march she said, “Don’t sit down and don’t be quiet…you yell, use your rights. Because this is …bad. This isn’t the country I want to live.”

So she wants to make the country a better place, she wants to make it into a place she wants to live. What kind of country is that? Is there any way to tell what she believes in or what her standards of “good” are?

Let’s start with her books:

  • “My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One Night Stands.
  • “Are You There Vodka? It’s Me Chelsea”
  • “Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me.”

Now, of course, these books are meant for humor, but they are also based on her life. One critic writes, “If you blush at the f-word or cringe at the thought of multiple casual sexual encounters, this book isn’t for you. While reading, I frequently wondered how she could possibly share this stuff with the world (sex with midgets, soliciting hook-ups with black men, trying to get your roommate laid).”

Is this the kind of meaningful life she and her progressive friends want to promote?

Another reader writes, “I felt like a pedophile after reading the first chapter of ‘Are you there Vodka?’ after she was so frank about her sex life at 8.” Wow, a true role model. In one quote Chelsea writes, “I don’t have a lot of shame. That doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad about the way someone reacts to me or about myself online. But I don’t have a lot of guilt, no. I’ve always been this way, I’m missing a chip.”

How about her television show? Girls behaving badly, joking about pregnant alcoholics, or standing nude in the shower interviewing guests? Is this what she considers good? How could a woman like this be shocked at the behavior of men like Weinstein when her mind is just as deep in the gutter as his?

Here is the problem with the progressive world – – they have no problem polluting the world with their own moral filth, but when it eventually comes back to bite them they all of a sudden become the champions of moral outrage. The opening definition of hypocrisy states our society’s problem and people like Chelsea Handler exactly, “a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.”

It is true that hypocrisy is in the church too. But it is a hypocrisy that tries to meet standards and fails. The progressive world not only doesn’t try, but they also mock and laugh at the standards that keep us safe and healthy in the first place. And then when they realize the lack of standards is what is killing us, they act as if they had nothing to do with their dismantling.

Today another Hollywood actor, Mark Wahlberg hopes “God will forgive him for making ‘Boogie Nights’”, a movie promoting the life a porn star. But after his guilt haunted him he still continued to make movies that promoted the same sort of cultural garbage.

How can God forgive us? We just keep throwing his grace back in his face.

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