The New Epidemic: “Rage-Quit”

  • Reading time:6 mins read

You’ve been there, it’s that moment when you have reached the limits of your patience. There was once something you deeply cared about, and after a long period of disappointment and frustration with that certain thing, your heart says “I’m done, no more! All of the time, effort, and interest I have invested has accomplished virtually nothing for me … so I am outta here!” Cultural experts have coined a new phrase for this moment as “Rage-quit.”

Definition of “Rage-Quit”: when a person angrily abandons an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating…especially the playing of a video game, binge show or even a relationship.

I believe “Rage-quit” is reaching epidemic proportions all across the vast range of American life. Everywhere you turn it seems like people have “had it”, they “can’t take it anymore” – – and instead of nonchalantly moving on, or changing their interests, they explode in rage. There are many examples of what I mean:

The NFL Fiasco”: It has pitted player verse owner verse fan, and ratings are dropping like a dead bird out of a tree. Many people are just not watching, and not only that, they are spewing vitriol at one another while they click out. I once loved the ease of Sunday afternoon watching people chasing a pigskin, now I feel accosted and accused and even lectured at every Sunday. It is hard to see a simple pastime be turned into a tug-o-war rope. It makes you want to “Rage.”

Television Binge Obsessions: People have never been more loyal to their television shows as they are now. With the capability of binge-watching people will sit and watch seven or eight straight shows in a row. God forbid if that show should start to lose its luster. I can remember when “The Office” lost Steve Carell from the show, it just wasn’t the same. But instead of saying “they had a good run” some people got livid it was over. “How could he leave? He ruined ‘my show’.” Think of that phrase, “my show.” People now own shows, they find their identity in them. If you don’t believe me read the chatter that has been going on with the latest season of “The Walking Dead.” Critics have panned it, and reasonable people say it is atrocious, but die-hard fans will never let go. They get so vitriolic about “their show” they begin to hate those who don’t agree. The anger is so crazy, some people verbally hold up the middle finger and say “I’m never watching that d_________ show again…even though I was invested in it for seven years.” Rage abounds!

Putrid Politics & Hated Hollywood: I really don’t need to comment on this one. All I have to do is name names and I guarantee the veins on your neck will start to swell, and your face will turn beet red. Here it goes; Hilary Rodham Clinton, Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Colin Kaepernick, Kelly Ann Conway, Debbie Schultz, Donna Brazil, and Kevin Spacey. All I know when I read those names I say, “I’m Out!”

Just Plain Everyday Life: People are losing it just day to day. Try being a pastor of a church and you will know what I mean…If people get in a disagreement with another member they will quit and never come back. Or they might even take some guns and shoot up a whole congregation!!!!! Husbands have a hard time tolerating wives and wives mock their husbands. Most men hunt just to get away. We are all losing it! People aren’t happy. The satisfaction tanks all seem to be empty. Psalm 2:1 asks the question bluntly, “why do the nations rage?” I think there are three simple answers…

1) Human Pride spoils things. Look at the NFL, instead of playing football players and owners demand respect and rights. Television shows like The Office were funny when people didn’t know they were funny, but once they think they are funny, they no longer are funny. Pride ruins the product. And it is frustrating.

2) Human Selfishness demands things. We have so much we are satisfied with so little. When we were kids we only had three tv stations, and we never demanded more. Now with over 500, we are never satisfied because we think we deserve it. The more we think we deserve things the more miserable and angry we become.

3) Human Hunger is only satisfied by one thing. This is the real answer to the question, “We are made for more!” Our hearts will never be happy until we realize God is the only one who can satisfy. If you think a show, a sport, a political candidate or even a relationship will satisfy all your longings you are a fool. The only one who can is Christ.

Why are you angry today? Why do you Rage? I will bet it is because of number 3 – – you really don’t find your satisfaction in your salvation and the wonderful person of Christ.

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