Commendations from the Captain

  • Reading time:8 mins read

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!

Star Trek: Captain James T. Kirk

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Captain’s Log: Stardate 114420.5

It is my 24th year working with this stellar crew as we continue to explore strange new worlds, to reach lost souls in far away lands, and to carry on this dangerous mission for which we have been sent. For the last month and a half a nefarious “novel” virus sent by the wicked Trill colony has threatened to affect many on our spaceship which has required all crew and their families, including both men, women, and children alike, to stay quarantined in their room. This has been a trying time for all of us.

As captain, I am bound and determined to stop this alien pathogen from spreading throughout our community. We do not want to face another outbreak like we did with those pesky tribbles when they almost completely overran the whole of the Enterprise. So as a result of this new mandated quarantine, I have asked our four senior crew members to stay at their stations while we navigate through this season of perplexity. That means Spock, Sulu, Scotty, Bones and I are staying on at our posts making sure we are staying the course.

This has not been an easy task, but they have done well under the stress and strain of the unprecedented situation we have been asked to face. As a result of their yeoman effort, I want to offer special public commendations that will be recorded in the captain’s log for posterity.

As your Captain, I know that at times I am both an impetuous and driven leader. In my desire to accomplish our mission with speed and effectiveness I have a tendency to rush into action and look past the important details. Sometimes my lack of planning and focus may cause offense and even frustration with those in our community who see me as lacking empathy and compassion. I fully recognize that I have blind spots and that is why I need the fabulous team that we have assembled. I am sorry that as your captain I often hurt people with my words of passion but I sincerely want the good of the people aboard the Enterprise.

My first commendation goes to Lieutenant Lieutenant Commander Spock. Without him we would probably rush headlong into a Klingon death trap, or not foresee a dangerous asteroid belt that could damage our ship when traveling at warp speed. Spock’s deliberative nature allows him to approach each situation we face with a calm wisdom that keeps my impulsive errors at bay. We have been through many trials in our journeys together, and this current situation is one that I trust will not be too much for his logical mind to find successful solutions.

My next commendation goes to my good friend Scotty. As Chief Engineer he is busy working in the bowels of the Enterprise keeping her functioning well. Many of the tasks he has been asked to do are both dirty and dangerous, which suit his explosive nature well. But more than that Scotty is a loyal and faithful comrade who loves the people aboard our vessel. When a situation of crisis comes up I can count on Scotty being there with me to dive into the situation and fix the problems before it gets out of hand.

The third member on our team is the multi-talented Sulu.  As both helmsman and USS Excelsior commanding officer, Sulu wears many hats. But it is his technical abilities that amazes us all which allows him to find unique solutions to overcome some of our immediate pressing needs. His ability to find creative solutions is what always impresses me. When the Romulans try to disrupt our communication frequency, or a group of singing hippies want to stir up trouble, Sulu is always there to stop the damage,. Not only is he smart, but he is extremely reliable

The final member of our team is of course Bones. The doctor with everyday common sense and genuine caring for the well being of each person aboard. When an empath wants to cause everyone to be overwhelmed with anxiety, a Borg wants to threaten, all that is needed is an encouraging word from him which allows the rest of the crew to stay the course. Bones is there. He also is one of the first officers who is willing to be beamed down into intense situations without fear or worry. And his precision in what he does helps the rest of us correctly analyze the problem with pinpoint accuracy.


Without these men I am not sure I would still be sane. (That last statement assumes I am sane which many on board the Enterprise I am sure are doubting. ) So if you see these men wandering the corridors, or you are talking to them through your communicator panel in your room, give them a thank you. They are working hard to keep us all alive.

We will defeat this COVID19 monster. Stay strong. And above all, live long and prosper!

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