The Compassion Police are Arresting the Wrong People!

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Dear Compassion Police, you are getting it wrong. Too many innocent people are being indicted by your militant value assessing legion of socially woke ground troops. As Michael Scott once asked, “Why are you the way you are?” And, “Who gave you the right?” (That would be “The right to judge?”)

Tell me, who is more merciful: The person who shouts the loudest about their rights and those of marginalized groups, or the person who loves and cares for his individual neighbor’s needs and obvious injustice while forfeiting his or her own rights in order to help or fight for the friend who has no voice?

Who is more virtuous: The person carrying signs and chanting slogans or the person who is actually opening his home and offering his time and resources to a real person in need? Who is more caring: the person who demands for others to care, or the person who simply cares without demanding?

Dear Mr. Policeman, did you know not every person in any specific group is the same? People in groups are still individuals? Just because someone claims to be virtuous or a victim doesn’t mean they are virtuous or a victim.

I know of some Christians whose mouths lay claim to heaven and yet they are nothing like Christ. While others are quiet and unassuming and will give you the shirt off their back and not tell a soul. Some Christians see politics and presidents as the road to salvation while others smell fire and brimstone behind every vote and every stump speech.

I know some boisterous flamboyant gay men who will argue for their right to live as they please and demand respect from the world but have no respect for anyone but themselves, all the while they lust and drool after anything that has two legs and moves. And yet there are others who silently struggle in their own dark world living in perpetual guilt feeling lost and alone.

I know some white men who are cold-hearted bigots believing themselves to be better. While other whites will bend over backwards to be accepting to all, tolerant to all while convincing themselves they are the problem for all the world’s inequities.

I know some black men who are cold-hearted bigots believing everyone and everything is out to get them, never trusting a soul, demanding favors at every turn. While other blacks will listen before they leap, are honest about their pain but forgiving about their errors.

I know some women who hate men and blame them for the ills of the world. To them, a baby in the womb is not a person but an inconvenience, a ball-and-chain, a hindrance to their personal emancipation. I know some women who see men as people, trusting and loving those who are trustworthy and loving. For this group a child in the womb will one day become a mother, grandmother, doctor, nurse, lawyer or female president. They are a life that deserves an opportunity to live.

Dear Mr. Policeman, stop the arrests. Stop criminalizing the innocent. Stop dividing our country with labels. The more false arrests you make, the angrier the anarchists and innocent are going to become. Pointing your batons in our faces doesn’t help either. And demanding groupthink is never going to change habits, you can control an action but not capture a heart. Only Christ can do that.

“Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh.”

Abraham Lincoln said it best, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.” The danger is when we think we are in the right because we have given ourselves the right. So Mr. Policeman, stop making arrests.

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