(inspired by the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee)
Spring Break is almost here, and I have a limited budget as I decide where to take my family. Many options are available, I can go to Chucky Cheese’s, but I am so sick of Chucky Cheese. I can visit a local farm and have my kids watch the cows eat grass, but there is still too much snow on the ground for that to be any fun. I can always go visit my family in Cleveland and watch Lake Erie burn. Speaking of burning I can go to Myrtle Beach and hang out with college kids on spring break and wait for the fire and brimstone to rain down from heaven.
And speaking of Sodom and Gomorrah, what if it was still in business? I would bet you all the beer at Speedway that a whole bunch of students would sign up to go there to spend mom and dad’s money on a week of some serious hell-raising: “Hey, what happens in Sodom stays in Sodom!”
I wonder, what would a sight-seeing tour be like in Sodom? Could you imagine driving by Lot’s house in the center of town and seeing a bunch of men in drag knocking on his door wanting the two angelic visitors to come drinking with them at the local gay club? How would you feel when you saw Lot offering his two young daughters to be the main attraction at the wet t-shirt contest? Or would you try to warn the people at the “blind man’s all-night rave party” that the grand finale of the sulfur fireworks display is going to light up more than just the sky?
But how you see those events all depends on your heart. Did you know different people often see the same events in different ways? Your eyes are always controlled by your appetite. It was true back in the day of Sodom. Let me show you four people who saw the goings on differently.
This wealthy dame sees nothing wrong with Sodom. No, she loves the place. All of her friends are there, great shopping, and loads of fun. Why would she want to leave Sodom? Everything that adds spice to life, (Mrs. Lot especially likes salt), Sodom has. Her motto is simple: “Live and let live.” If the men in Sodom like men, no matter, that is their business. “But Mrs. Lot, what about your daughters? Do you care that they are caught up in the perversions of the city too? How do you feel when they go to wild sex parties at Gomorrah? Doesn’t that break your heart? And I heard their foolish fiances are known to be quite the partiers, heck, one is a fentanyl dealer. Doesn’t that even bother you?” Sorry, she is too busy getting her hair done to talk. “Viva la Sodom!”
This poor man is trying to keep everyone happy, but alas, no one ever is. He is running for Sodom’s senate and he knows if he wants to poll high he better
Has it been 15 years since he spent any time with his nephew Lot? He just never seemed to take his uncle’s advice, so ambitious and wanting to make a name for himself. The empty promises of wealth and comfort offered by Sodom always seemed to pull at poor Lot. Now he is caught and can’t get out of the rat race. He thought he knew his nephew better than this, but fifteen years and a growing family has really brought distance between the two. “I wonder, did Lot ever really know God?” I guess all Abe can do is pray.
God can only take so much…especially when people no longer know how to blush. “I just can’t take it anymore,” the angel sighs, “Doesn’t God know how the people in Sodom talk about his Son? If God doesn’t do something, I’m grabbing my sword, flying down there and shutting their mouths myself! Why is Jehovah so patient?”
I know, Sodom and Gomorrah are gone. Some people even doubt if they ever existed. How could there be a city where men want to rape angels who look like men? Nobody is that morally sick, are they? You think a culture would get so bad that a dad would offer up his daughters up to the perversions of lust driven men? Nah. No nation is that corrupt.
If it was, I am sure God would have to do something to correct it, wouldn’t he? No, God loves everyone, even the guy who rapes the innocent girl, and the woman who kills her baby in the womb without remorse. “Remember, what happens in Sodom, stays in Sodom!”
Oh look, the fireworks show looks like it is just getting ready to start! I have a feeling it will be a show you will never forget…let’s get a front seat, should be fun!