Nemesis, The New Look of an Old Goddess

  • Reading time:9 mins read

At the beginning their words are folly; at the end, they are wicked madness.” – Ecclesiastes 10:13

Early in the second century AD, a Greek poet wrote a hymn to the goddess of retribution where he addressed her in poetic praise:

Nemesis, winged balancer of life, dark-faced goddess, daughter of Justice

Nemesis had one job, to exact punishment on those mortals who dared question the wisdom of the gods. She was sent to humiliate both men and women who reeked of hubris – – those who showed blind arrogance toward things they know nothing about. In one Greek tragedy Nemesis was given the name “Adrasteia”, which meant, “one from whom there is no escape.” So when mortals dabbled in things they had no right touching, her father Ares, the god of war, would unleash Nemesis to punish and destroy.

It seems apparent to me that Nemesis has been sent to us again. Oh no, not in a Greek poem or a mysterious riddle told by nameless fools; but bodily, in the form of a human being. Her name, Hannah Mouncey.

Before we get to her story we need to first explore the modern evolution of hubris rising.

This new emanation of human pride began with an innovative and cutting-edge social experiment led by one man. His name was Dr. John Money, a genius of a man who earned a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1952. His area of study was Psychology, which led him to teach pediatrics and medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University. His special interest focused on gender-identity and studies concerning sex-reassignment surgery. He was known to be a brilliant man, and many of his colleagues and students said he already knew it. You didn’t need to remind him.

Dr. Money became the self-appointed pioneer in sexual taxonomy, believing himself to be the one person who had both the knowledge and experience to coin new concepts and classifications for the study of sexual identity. He developed new phrases and categories which he had published in top medical journals and eventually taught to his eager students. His findings were said to be groundbreaking and revolutionary. Others were quick to buy into his brilliance and new sexual discoveries. Because he said it, other scientists believed “it was so.” And his most influential teaching, which is still in use today, is the study of “gender identity.” He taught that gender was nothing more than a “social construct”, a baby was born gender fluid. This means a boy culturally was a boy because he was raised to be a boy. This is known as “nurture” defining “nature”. (See Previous Blog: We All Get This Question Wrong: “The Human Being: Strange or Unique?”)

But there was an evil lurking behind the science: Dr. Money wanted gender to be fluid, so he created and encouraged a scientific consensus that declared it was. His conclusions preceded his research so his findings were inherently biased. This was never more clear than with the notorious case of David Reimer. 

David Reimer was born a boy but something went terribly wrong with his circumcision where the tool used for the procedure malfunctioned and completely destroyed his penis. Instead of waiting for the boy to grow up, Dr. Money encouraged his parents to immediately raise him as a girl since he believed “gender was fluid.” The parents agreed and named the baby Brenda. It was the perfect test case for Dr. Money to try out his theories.

After removing the child’s testicles and creating a functional vagina, Money was convinced Brenda would never know “she” was born a “he”. He was sure Brenda would be able to live a normal life as a happy girl. Yearly he would interview Brenda and her family, and each year Money would report his findings as a success. But the real truth told a different story. Brenda was frustrated and angry, never knowing why life didn’t seem right.

But who cares about truth and reality when a professor’s pride is on the line, and there is a great opportunity to reimagine a brave new world of sexual experimentation?

Because Money’s reports seemed to show that this experiment of Brenda was a complete success, one writer reported, “Money’s view of the malleability of gender became the dominant viewpoint among physicians and doctors, reassuring them that sexual reassignment was the correct decision in certain instances, resulting in thousands of sexual reassignments.”

The fluidity of gender, nurture defining nature, and sexual identity as a social construct has become the undisputed dominant point view. Because of John Money and his hubris, society has declared that science has indisputably proven you can choose a person’s gender regardless of thier biology.

This is where Hannah Mouncey, the dawning of the new Nemesis, enters the stage. Standing 6′ 2″ and weighing an imposing 220 lbs, Hannah is a female freak of nature. That is, of course, if you believe gender is fluid, and nurture is more important than nature. Hannah was born a man but now lives as a woman. And she has also become the most intimidating player on the Australian Women’s National Handball Team leading them to 2018 Asian Women’s Handball Championship. If you want to see just how massive she is, take a look at this video...

Does any rational mind really believe Hannah is a woman?

It is my belief and conviction that the God of the heavens made humanity “male and female.” This is his design and it is a matter of biology. In other words, “Nature Matters!” But John Money and his band of arrogant social engineers want us to believe differently. The constant social drumbeat wants us all to believe that “it is person’s individual right to determine life the way they want it, even if biology is staring them in the face.” Hannah is a woman because she believes herself to be a woman.

So ignore her massive biceps, look past the chiseled jaw, and let her dominate her poor helpless sisters by pounding them into the ground. Nemesis has been let loose and she is having a field day with all of us. John Money may have been a smart man, but he sure was a fool.

The saddest part of all is that our progressive ideals no longer allow us to tell the truth. “Tolerance toward all and judgment toward none.” And those who are going to pay the biggest price are confused children and the pro-female feminists. Those who once argued that men should not be allowed to rule the home and workplace are now forced to shut their mouths as men dressed as women will start ruling women’s athletics, motherhood, and even beauty pageants. 

(A quick question, when a man puts on a dress and paints on lipstick isn’t that nothing more than cultural appropriation? I thought that wasn’t a good thing in politically correct corners?)

Do you see her? Nemesis is smiling down on us as her wicked sense of humor mocks while she allows us to destroy ourselves, “Oh you silly arrogant race of humankind.”

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Don Weeks

    Excellent post, Chris. Made me think of Romans 1:22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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