Close the Oven Door! It is the LOVING thing to do!

  • Reading time:8 mins read

I just read some of the best homespun wisdom I have ever heard before, and believe it or not, it was from Good Housekeeping. They offered advice on how to “not ruin a cake.” Here it is…

“Curiosity killed the cake. Open the door too early and you run the risk of having a cake with a permanently sunken middle.

It’s a good idea to let at least 3/4 of the cooking time pass before even thinking about opening the oven. If you find your cake isn’t cooked, don’t keep opening the door every minute to check – doing this makes the oven lose heat and lengthens the cooking time with each occurrence.”

Wow, this is sheer genius! Keep the oven door closed to keep in the heat so the cake is given the proper time it needs to rise. If more people understood this simple instruction the world would be such a better place. 

Especially when it comes to raising children.

Children are like a cake in the oven, they come into the world born as an unlearned and untaught tray of cake batter in the pan. They have been placed into an oven to learn and be taught, a loving home with a mom and dad. And it is incredibly dangerous to open the door too early because they need time to properly grow.

It is a terrible thing to have a child that has a permanently sunken middle. I personally think that is what is wrong with many of us, our souls are crushed from not being able to have the time to properly cook.

Listen again to why opening the door too early is so dangerous, “the oven may lose heat and lengthens the cooking time for each occurrence.” Oh me, oh my, if people would just listen to such brilliant advice! This is so important to understand, if the oven loses heat it will take longer to cook.

Don’t you see it? Don’t you agree this is one of the biggest problems that our world is facing?

“No Chris, I don’t get it.”

Just yesterday, I came across an article about a seven-year-old boy who is in the middle of a tug-o-war between his divorced parents. As a 41/2 -year-old, the boy started using female pronoun identifiers and now at the age of 7 he wants to go through transition surgery. The case can be found on this link:

My question is simple: How in the world would a 4 ½-year-old even consider being called a girl, or a 7 year old even consider transitioning permanently over to a female if the oven door has not been opened? Children don’t think like that, parents do. Children don’t insist on gender reassignment unless they have been coached and pushed to consider such unnatural and permanent options. 

This tragedy of epic proportions can be found all over our media headlines: “Child Drag Queen Wows a San Francisco Crowd”, “CNN LGBTQ Panel Highlights Question by Seven Year Old Transgender”, “Three Year Old Coming Out as Gender Fluid.” Why is this happening? Not because of their natural curiosity but because there are parents introducing them to a brave new world of experimentation. In other words, the oven door is not just open, it has been ripped off the hinges.

I remember when I was around the age of 12 I was going to a Roman Catholic grade school in Ohio. We had many students from around the area who went to this school and a number of boys were of Italian descent. Italians, biologically speaking, age quick. By the time they reach the 7th grade many of the boys are growing facial hair and they are much taller than the other students. I, on the other hand, had skinny white German blood coursing through my veins. I couldn’t grow facial hair, and even to this day where I am 53 years of age, I cannot grow a full beard. (I still have a full head of dark hair so don’t feel sorry for me!)

But as a 12 year old boy, I felt like I was not as manly as the Italian boys in my class. I can remember being mocked by some of them saying that since I was so scrawny and skinny I might be gay. I went home and I was rather downcast. My dad was shooting the basketball with me and asked, “Chris, what’s wrong? You are really quiet.” I told him what was being said and he quickly said to me, “Chris, that is because they are Italian. I grew up in an Italian neighborhood in Cleveland and all the kids on my street had beards at an early age. And then when High School hit, I started shooting up and passed them by like they were standing still. Don’t worry about it, give it time, give it time.”

That simple discussion was all I needed. Not only did I gain a new sense of understanding and identity, but my dad was right. By the time I was a sophomore in High School I was at least 4 inches taller than all of those kids who previously mocked me. And not only that, but it took another ten years before I found my wife and together we have had a great life together. 

But what if that same scenario happened in today’s culture? The social experts would encourage experimentation. That same 12 year old boy would be encouraged and even implored to explore the feminine side of life. And my dad would have no say, he was never the expert who writes sophisticated journals for elite institutions. He doesn’t understand the toxic masculinity that is poisoning the soul of our poor young men.

No, my dad was simply a man who loved his son. He loved him so much he spent hours playing basketball, talking by the shore of Lake Erie, and praying with me as he put me to bed at night.

In my home my parents loved me enough to keep the oven door closed. 

But that is not true anymore. We worship at the feet of the god of early sexualization and experimentation. We want our children to be autonomous, believing that a four-year-old is now smarter than their parents. We are allowing experts who are writing sterile dissertations to have more say In our homes than parents who pray by the bedside at night. We have infused politics into dinner table discussions, and political correctness is our new morality.

If I was the Devil and I was to try to scheme how I could destroy the human race my strategy would be very simple, “Go after them when they are young. If I can get their minds before they are formed, I will ruin them before they grow into adults.”

If he can ruin the cake batter before it is formed in the oven, he wins. And guess what, he’s winning. So please, close the oven door before it is too late.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Selah Oxford

    Honestly what was the point of this, like for real. There is nothing wrong with a four and seven year old that wants to be a girl, yeah that might me a young age but if that’s what they want to be there is nothing wrong with that. I feel sick to my stomach that you have the audacity to write something this rude and put down others. How I was raised if you had nothing nice to say don’t say it at all.This is very disrespectful like what kind of person could criticize others and post it online.

    1. Christopher Weeks

      I think you missed the whole point. No child wants to become another sex unless they are nudged to it. They have been taught to be that way. The problem is you believe they innocently come to that. My point is only wise parents who want the best for their children will not let them get caught up in “false experimentation.” Every good parent teaches proper behavior, unless you want to raise feral children. It is opinions like yours that are both (1) hiding an agenda of chaos, you want to create disorder, and (2) arrogant, you are looking to be offended. I operate from a presupposition that humans are made with design, you are promoting a belief system that humans are evolving. So, go ahead and get angry, but don’t tell me you really love the other because true love protects innocence, it does not exploit it!

      Thank you Selah for your comment. And one more thing, your profile says you are “female”. How do you know? Could it change tomorrow? Is it all about feeling or biology?

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