Water is Not Enough! (A Defense of Fatherhood)

  • Reading time:9 mins read

Scientifically speaking, when it comes to understanding humanity, humans are clueless. We are incredibly astute and thorough when it comes to knowing about and stewarding the other species of plant and animal life, but when it comes to properly caring for our own we are astoundingly ignorant and negligent.

For instance, if I asked any regular thinking person what two things are needed for a tiny oak or pine sapling to grow out of the ground with health and vigor, what would they need?

Easy…water and sunlight. 

Water carries nutrients, sugars, strengthens leaves and stems. Sunlight provides photons, electromagnetic radiation, which is the energy needed to produce food for the plant during photosynthesis. Without either water or sunlight, a plant would not survive.

Fairly simple. After explaining this to someone you will never hear them say:

  1. If a plant can’t have both water and sunlight I still think it could survive. I am sure a tiny sapling would do just fine with only water, or only sunlight. Preferably water.
  2. Maybe if there was enough water available, you could exchange the extra water for sunlight. So you could have water and water. And if you had to you could have sunlight and sunlight.
  3. You know, it may even be to the plant’s advantage to only give it water? Or even water and a water mix would be preferred because there have been times when sunlight has been too strong and it damaged the poor, vulnerable plant. Water is soft, nice and nourishing – – so maybe it’s best to exclude sunlight altogether? I think it may even be good if the water decided to picket the sunlight to stop future overexposure from ever happening again to the poor saplings.

Sounds rather silly, especially if you are a botanist. Every good gardener sings the praises of both water and sunlight and how they joyously work together. Even the Beatles sang about “Good Day Sunshine!” Never would you pit water against sunlight -they are both needed because they are both designed to meet different needs of the plant.

Human babies, like saplings, need two things as well to grow up with health and vigor. Easy…a mother and a father. It is not as easy as you may think because humans are intellectually challenged when it comes to caring for their own.

Biologically, mentally, emotionally a baby is designed to need the input and love of both a mother and a father. A mother, like water, carries the nurturing nutrients of compassion, kindness and consistency a child needs to be healthy and strong. A father, like sunshine, gives energy, vision and courage to take risks in a child’s heart. Both are vitally important, both make for a fully mature and flourishing human being.

But this is where humanity goes blind. We think it is:

  1. Perfectly ok, if a baby can’t have both a mother and a father, they will be just fine with one. And if you could choose the parent a child needs most, it is preferred for them to have a mother.
  2. Maybe if there was enough of a mother’s care they would never need the input of a male figure at all. But if possible, having two moms would be even better. And if you had to, you could have two dads I guess?
  3. It may even be to the child’s advantage to not risk a man in their life because there have been times when fathers have been abusive, violent, angry and it damaged the poor, vulnerable baby. Do you actually think a mother could ever be abusive, violent, and angry? No, moms are soft, nice and nourishing – – so maybe it’s best to exclude fathers altogether? I think it may even be good if moms and single women had more rallies to picket the abusive fathers, and violent males in general, to stop future abuse from ever happening again to the poor children.

Sounds rather crazy, doesn’t it? But this is where we are as a society of humans. Men and fathers have been downgraded to such a degree your average person no longer sees just how important they are to the full flourishing of a child.

The reason why homosexuality is so wrong is not that it is “gross to see a man kissing a man, or a woman kissing a woman”. Most average Americans, by and large, are not offended or scared of the gay man or woman – – we see it every day on television, social media and proudly proclaimed in silly, juvenile and sex-obsessed parades with people strutting around in their underwear. The cry of “Homophobia” is nothing more than a distancing tool used by the practicing homosexual to play the pity card – – they want us to think they are a victim of a cruel world that doesn’t understand their pain. We are supposed to believe they are a special kind of human. That is a false narrative that has been peddled for the last 30 years with incredible success.

Here is the real narrative: A man, even if he dresses in drag, will never, ever be able to replace a woman. Biologically, mentally and emotionally. Sunshine can never replace water. In the same way, a woman, even if she gets a butch haircut and wears skinny jeans and a cool flannel shirt, can never replace a man. Biologically, mentally and emotionally. Water can never replace sunshine.

Sure there is dysfunction. We live in a fallen world, sin has warped things, and both mothers and fathers can be abusive and deadbeat. But why do we have to celebrate a weak and impotent model to raise a child? Why is the promotion of marriage between a man and woman considered narrow-minded and offensive? It is a biologically (you need both a man and a woman to have a baby), mentally and emotionally superior model for human growth and flourishing than any other coupling choice. 

If you disagree with this you are providing direct proof that you are astoundingly ignorant and negligent. 

A few years back when Chaz Bono, Cher’s daughter who identifies as a male, came on Ellen to say she/he was going to be a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars”, Cher came to her/his defense against all the naysayers. She was the mama-bear. At the time Chaz Bono was 42 years old. Her/his mom called up to defend her child’s decision, gushing tributes to her/his wonderful character while Chaz teared up listening to his mom’s defense. Watching it made it more than obvious that a 42-year-old biological male would not need nor want their mom to defend them in such a public and pathetic way. Chaz, on the other hand, relished in her/his mom’s vitriolic defense of her/him. Even though she is wanting to be a man with all her heart, and she wants us to consider her a man; biologically, mentally, and emotionally Chaz is still down-deep a female.

Humans so easily fool themselves believing that we can re-engineer God’s design. I think the feminist’s, homosexual’s and transgender’s anger comes more from trying to convince themselves that their faulty design is actually working and right when they know it isn’t. They really aren’t fighting haters, because there is less out there than they believe there to be. In truth, most sincere Christians have pity for the people who are confused in their gender. I have yet to honestly meet a godfearing believer who is afraid of them. It is the ignorant and shallow Christian that lashes out and mocks those who are struggling with their biology.

My purpose in a post like this is not to spread hate, but to magnify the beauty and rightness of God’s design. Fathers are crucial, and the absence of them in the home and even no longer wanting to hear their opinions in the public square is killing us as a nation. The more we buy into the tirades of angry feminists and transgenders, the more damage we incur as human beings. No wonder our society has soul decay.

I for one love Father’s Day not because I am a father and I want flowers or steak from my kids; but it is because I had a great father and he was one of the greatest gifts God ever gave me. I simply want everyone to have one!

The more we mock, ignore, and consider men and fathers as irrelevant; the less good fathers there will be at all. The Bible says there is coming a day when good men are taken away from a nation (see Isaiah 57:1) as a punishment from God. If you don’t want good men, God won’t give you any. And not having good God-fearing men to protect, provide, lead, and laugh with will be the end of civility as we know it. I think that day is fast approaching.

May God have mercy on us all.

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