More Dangerous: Pence or the Pervert?

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Joy Behar on Vice President Pence: “He doesn’t go out with women, that cuts down on networking for women,” Behar argued. Another co-host said his reasoning was to protect his marriage and Joy responded, “Oh please!”

Joy Behar on Harvey Weinstein: After joking about Weinstein being fired from his own company, she said he’ll have “plenty of time to take showers now” — which got big laughs from the stage and from the audience.

Why is progressive Hollywood so surprised? Why even get upset?

Earlier this year when Vice President Pence expressed how he will not have dinner with single women alone for sake of his marriage and protecting an image of blamelessness with women, the progressive left had a cow. Not only did they ridicule him but they claimed it was a sign he was a misogynistic male pig. Here are some of their comments…

“The revolting thing about Pence’s no-meals-with-women rule isn’t prudishness. It’s that he’s limiting key professional opportunities to men,” wrote Ian Millhiser, an editor at ThinkProgress.

This isn’t about mocking Pence for his lifestyle, it’s about women being denied access to professional opportunities powerful men control.— Faine Greenwood (@faineg) March 29, 2017

So instead of having a man being accompanied by their wife to a lunch or dinner, the culture would rather have women end up with a man like Harvey Weinstein. Not to excuse his sick behavior, but this is what we can expect when traditional morality is mocked and ridiculed in today’s morally lax world.

So what is more dangerous, promoting traditional family values or sexual freedom and liberty for all?

We currently live in a society that hates the idea of traditional values, and as a result, they relish in the later – – that’s why we end up with sexual predators, perverts and addicts roaming all sectors of society. And don’t just blame this perversion problem on powerful men, there has also been an epidemic of female teachers exploiting younger male students for pleasure as well.

So what is the cause of this sexual quagmire? The same as it has always been, Romans 1:21-24 –

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves.

When God and his moral boundaries are mocked you let the bestial heart of mankind run wild. In order to have unlimited freedom, people would rather risk a Harvey Weinstein getting loose than acknowledging how good and proper moral standards of a man like Vice President Pence are.

We have sown to wind sexually, we are now reaping the whirlwind. Two weeks ago when Hugh Heffner the founder of Playboy died, article after article praised his entrepreneurship and record of fighting for social justice causes. Here is one short paragraph on how Hollywood reporters saw him:

A dashing, erudite figure often pictured at work and play at the Playboy mansion smoking a pipe and clad in silk pajamas, Hefner established himself as the embodiment of his “Playboy Philosophy,” which preached personal liberation and championed social causes, including civil rights and gay rights.

You see, even though this man spent a lifetime exploiting young women for his pleasure and profit, turning them into objects for men to use without shame, the Hollywood crowd only praised him. This includes the progressive female left who smiled at his debauchery because they wanted to be considered cool and sophisticated and sexually liberated as well. So why are they so surprised with Weinstein’s lechery – – they helped foster the conditions for it? Such hypocrisy!

God wants us to be sexually pure not because he is a prude, it is because he doesn’t want our daughters to be deflowered and destroyed by predators like Heffner, Weinstein, Nicholson, and any other godless misanthrope.

God knows what he is doing.

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