Ladies, Correct Me if I’m Wrong

  • Reading time:9 mins read

I’m really confused with this constant barrage of ‘feminist outrage.” It seems to be seeping out of every media crack and crevice these days and I don’t quite understand why? Maybe my inability to sympathize with the cause comes from the fact that I am an ignorant brute beast of a man? Ladies, and sensitive gentlemen who are in touch with their feminine side, I need some help to see. I am confused in two areas….

  1. Who are women mad at?
  2. From my experience, the women I have known over the years, have always seemed to like the attention, admiration, and dare I say it, the leadership of men. Is all this angst against men the “Valkyrie Cry” of a new breed of woman?

I think I know the answer to both? Discussing this is clearly dangerous territory, so I will take each issue slowly, taking one dainty step at a time.

1- Who are women “really” mad at?

I find two main sources that women seem to constantly rage about: Donald Trump & Deadbeat Husbands. But secretly I think all this fury is directed at God and his design for marriage.

My intuition tells me that their hatred for Donald is rather rudimentary: he had the gall to stand in Hillary’s way. How dare he? The first woman president was in reach, moments away from glory, she should have had the White House all to herself. But no, Donald had to spoil the coronation. There it is, this single act is ground zero.

Oh sure, we are told that he primarily is to be despised because he is obscenely rich; but let’s face it, feminist women love rich men. Case in point, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. (One study even reports, “Nearly 77 percent of democrat female millionaires, and 82 percent of female millionaires overall, said they ‘would prefer to date a conservative man,’ according to”)

Another excuse they use to legitimize their hate for Donald is that he said extremely misogynistic and rude things about women that were captured on video. I think most people will agree he made terribly disgusting comments; but feminist heroes like Beyoncé, Rosie O’Donnell, Amy Schumer, Madonna, and male democratic icons like Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, and Jack Nicholson have said and done far worse things. There is never outrage when the right people on the left do wrong things. Take Chelsea Handler, for instance, a very prominent feminist spokeswoman, she spews non stop vitriol and sewage on various progressive outlets daily. Her books are vile and she showers mockery and contempt on men and women alike…but feminists don’t care, they celebrate her putrid audacity because she is on their side.

So it isn’t really his riches, rudeness or raunchy comments that earned him feminist ire; it is because he dethroned the liberal’s Queen. Poor Hillary, she stood by her man for eight excruciating years and look what it got her. Nothing! And it’s all Donald’s fault. He would not bow to the heir-apparent like every other liberal lackey male did. When Bernie Sanders was campaigning against her, instead of going for the jugular, he gave her a pass. And the left loved him for it.

The other target of the foaming-at-the-mouth feminist is the deadbeat dad…and for good reasons. When men take leave of their responsibilities: wives, sons and daughters suffer. Replacing fatherly care for testosterone-fueled tyranny leaves terrible life-long scars on the souls of the vulnerable. To protect themselves, the hurting put on a false exterior of impenetrability and call it fierceness. But feminine fierceness is all a facade – deep down every woman longs for male strength. But when a person loses complete trust in the men in their life, the only option is to turn against the male gender in a bitter, senseless, rage. I understand why a person would be tempted to do this, but face-it, full-frontal assault on one gender is completely illogical:

All men are not evil, as all women are not good. It is dangerous to allow your past hurts to blind you to truth and write one whole segment of society off.

I think underneath the surface of all this rage is anger at God and the way he has designed life. The Bible is clear, men have been placed as the head of the home (1 Corinthians 11:3). But when the head lives selfishly, God’s design crumbles. When a man bails on his pregnant wife or abuses his daughter, they are helpless to defend themselves. And I think this is when the feminist arguments take hold — if God is the one who designed this flimsy system, isn’t the pain the victim feels from the failure of this system ultimately his fault? How can women trust any male authority figures when so much potential damage can be done from failed leadership? They need to protect themselves, and I believe all this rage is their attempt to mask their vulnerability.

One of my strongest convictions is that deadbeat dads, abusive husbands, and narcissistic tyrants are going to be punished the harshest by God because so much depends on them. This is what feminists loathe, they see male leadership as a flaw in the design, which lends contempt toward the designer.

But when a man obeys his calling, it is a wonderful and life-giving thing. This is why God implores people not to sin. It ruins everything. And when God’s design works right, which happens far more than feminists give it credit for, everyone thrives. The answer to their pain isn’t to dismantle the system by hating on men or saying roles and genders no longer matter, but to exalt and magnify marriages done right. This leads to question number two…

2 – Is this a new breed and generation of women who no longer want strong men around to lead?

I have thought about this a lot because most of my best friends are women; and they seem to actually like, nay, love strong men in their lives. I grew up with three accomplished sisters: Stephanie does plumbing and drywall, Gina speaks in women’s prisons in L.A., and Tammy runs her own business. They aren’t slackers or Stepford Wives, by a long shot.  My mom is my hero. My two daughters are fighters and my wife is my strength. So needless to say, I am not anti-woman at all, and what I have learned from them is very enlightening.

Simply put, they would rather have men as leaders in the home any day instead of women. Their words, not mine.

My wife used to be on a women’s choir and 40 young ladies would travel around the world together singing in places like China, Singapore and Japan. She used to say that there is nothing more exasperating and claustrophobic than being on a bus with an army of women for two whole weeks – – too much drama. Her words, not mine. My mom was brilliant, but her greatest joy in life was to support my dad and care for her kids. I asked her if she felt like she lost her life from sacrificing so much? She laughed at the word “sacrifice” and said the more appropriate words were “satisfied and significant.”  I then asked if she missed running a college newspaper where she was an editor and the main writer? She said, “It was fun, but not as many people read your articles as you may think. I have a better audience at home sitting around the kitchen table talking to you kids.”

My sisters who all spent time in the workforce agreed on one surprising issue, “9 times out of 10” they would rather have a male boss than a female. Again, their words, not mine. One of the reasons why my sister Tam likes being in business for herself, she’s a CPA, is so she can keep her own schedule and spend time living life with her husband.

I will also say, I have a great relationship with my daughters – if I go walk the dog in the woods they would be the first to want to hang out with me. I think they like their dad? One last thing, and this will be the most controversial, I know each one of my sisters, wife and mom would rather have a man as their pastor. I asked my sister Gina why that was and she said, “Often women who want to be pastors seem to do it more out of proving something, fighting for equality, wanting the title instead of feeling called.” Her words, so please, please, please don’t shoot the messenger.

Can women do important things, can they lead? Have positions of power and authority? Absolutely. My goal is not to degrade women, just to declare, “Women really do need…and want… men around!” And if they were allowed to be honest, without the social media peanut gallery judging their every move, every woman loves to bask in the strength of a good man by their side. Militant feminism lies.

I guess what disturbs me most is when the very women who complain about male violence and show-of-strength resort to violence and show-of-strength to prove they don’t need men. Silly logic. Society agrees men are rather vapid and stupid when they find their significance in fighting, shooting guns and making derogatory sexual comments. But why must we be impressed and consider women as fierce, cool, and liberated when they make the same sort of comments, threaten violence, and are impressed with actresses on movies who can shoot the same caliber guns as the heroes?

“Wasn’t Beyoncé, the fierce feminist, so powerful when she wielded a baseball bat smashing a car on her Lemonade video?” Honestly, it was nothing more than a silly display of adolescent arrogance.

Maybe all liberal women really want is to be men? How does the saying go, “The highest form of flattery is imitation?”

So ladies, if that is true, I want you to know, we’re flattered. But, I may be wrong, this is just one brute’s insignificant opinion.

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