HURRICANE!?!?!?! Not Again? (4 Biblical Answers for Why & Why Not Disasters Occur)

  • Reading time:7 mins read

Does God hate America? Are we all doomed? And why doesn’t he stop such devastation?

At the time of this writing, Hurricane Irma is swirling in the Atlantic as it bears down on the Caribbean Islands and the Southern tip of Florida with category 5 strength. It hasn’t even been a week since the record-setting flooding that was poured out on Houston, Texas from Hurricane Harvey – – what is going on? Is God mad at us or something?

Before we crawl into a corner with our favorite blanket and cry “The sky is falling”, let’s remember what 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and sound mind.” A sound mind is what we all need in times like this and to help us think through the theology of disaster I offer you “2 Reasons for what this doesn’t and does mean.”


(1) The End of the World is Here! In Matthew 24 the disciples were asking Jesus what to look for as the end of the word drew near, and so he gave a list of things in the first 8 verses that will take place: Famines, Earthquakes, False Prophets, Natural Disasters and Wars across the World. He said all of these events are the beginning of “birth pangs.” Meaning, from the time Jesus walked on earth until his second coming, you will see these sort of events happening all over the world all of the time. . . so earthlings, get used to chaos.

Part of our problem is we are “Ameri-centric”, meaning when something dreadful happens to the U. S. of A. we assume God has to be coming back soon, and very soon. So when two hurricanes threaten America in less than two weeks, Christians are put on high alert because America is God’s nation, right? Did you know every week some major disaster is happening around the globe? We have two missionaries from our church who live in the Fiji Islands and last year they had 2 monster typhoons make landfall. No one in America said a word. Or what about the 2004 Tsunami when over 250,000 people in the Indonesian Islands and surrounding countries died? Now that was cataclysmic, and yet people in America merely yawned. Red moons and eclipses notwithstanding, expect disasters until Jesus’ return.

(2) God must Hate President Trump and his Administration? Last week during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and with the weighty forecast of Irma hitting America, the cheesy televangelist Jim Bakker said these two hurricanes were definitely sent as “judgments from God on America!” Sure he wants to sell more of his survival bulk food, but isn’t he a credible voice speaking for the Almighty? Or how about that nutty professor from Tampa who tweeted, “I don’t believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully, this will help them realize the GOP doesn’t care about them.” Wow, he believes God is mad at the redneck voters for allowing Trump to get into office.

If you remember back just a few years, Christians also blamed President Clinton for hurricanes, President Bush for 911, and President Obama for gang violence in Chicago. So which political party is more righteous? Who did God vote for? Probably not the party you wanted…

Maybe the swirling clouds of doom were sent as warnings against our 11 billion dollar a year porn industry? Maybe, just maybe, God is a little miffed at our abortion mills? What about the heroin pushers, or those who traffic in little girls? Do you think he would ever judge us for our sexual experimentation that are setting perverted cultural trends…Nah, I am sure God likes it when men dress like women and children become drag queens.


(1) The World is not the Way it Was Meant to Be! “Thorns and Thistles, sweat on the brow, pain and death.” When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden those are the results that God said mankind could expect to happen from now on. A few hurricanes rolling down the coast of America are just some evidence of a broken planet.

In Romans 8:19-22 Paul says creation is now “groaning” as it awaits for God to make everything new. In Hebrews 12:26-27 God says he is going to shake both the heavens and earth one final time. In other words, “we ain’t seen nothing yet.” A new heaven and earth is our final resting place and until that time don’t be surprised when you hear the wind moan & howl and earth shake, rattle and roll. 

(2) His Mercy is Still Available. . .Thank God! One of the strangest stories in all of scripture is found in Luke 13:1-5. I encourage you to read it. Jesus is walking the streets of Jerusalem with his disciples and the talk of the town is about a disaster where a tower fell on 18 people. I can hear the disciples talking amongst themselves wondering why such a tragic event would happen to these 18 innocent people? Maybe they were sinful and deserved it? Jesus responds to their questions by saying, “What about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.”

Jesus is making an amazing point: When bad things happen, like disasters, hurricanes, or a tower falling on the head of 18 people, don’t ask why,  ask why not – – “Why not me?” If truth be told disaster and death are our just deserts. The only reason we are not experiencing “thorns and thistles, sweat on the brow, pain and death” is because of God’s mercy. He is holding all of these back this moment because of his mercy. Mercy is lovingkindness. It means we have been given another chance. So when disaster comes, we need to look up and realize it should have been us.

Romans 2:1-4 says something very scary, “When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things. And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things.  Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God’s judgment when you do the same things?  Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?”

In other words, that fresh air you are breathing right now is God’s mercy on display.

Hebrews 12:28-29 gives us the best advice we could hear in the face of the reality of a broken earth, “Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a consuming fire.” Are you thankful?

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