Fists raised, protesters’ posters threatening violence, vulgarity issuing forth in harsh tirades, female celebrities touting their fierceness, all the while demanding equality with men and more. Ladies, we hear you, but have you ever asked the question: “Why should you be treated as equal?” This is a very fair question; because the reasons you give may lead you to places you don’t want to go.
Equality is an issue of worldview (Weltanschauung), because worldview determines value, and decides what actions are right and wrong in any given society. My opinion is these angry demands for equality are issuing forth from a worldview that will not sustain their demands for long…in fact, if the majority worldview most progressive women are adopting (secularism) is carried out to it’s full extent, there really is no compelling reason for men to treat them as equal.
Just this past week Sports Illustrated came out with their yearly swimsuit issue. Model Myla Dalbesio is viewing her opportunity to pose in a skimpy bikini for the first time on the swimsuit issue as a great platform to fight for women’s rights, “For a long time, many people were of this point of view, like ‘Shut up and do your job’” Dalbesio told FOX News. “Now more than ever, it’s important to continue to fight for women’s rights and to use your voice.”
But wait a minute, isn’t posing for a male sports magazine something most feminists loathe? Is she really using only her voice here? And I thought the modern narrative for women is now, “We are meant for more than sexual objectification”? Listen to what journalist and advocate for women’s advancement, Mary Rose Somarriba, writes, “It’s likely the time of year when female athletes roll their eyes when the SI editors take a break from serious athletics to treat the female body as sexual eye candy. So much for women in sports being taken seriously…Sports Illustrated editors either don’t realize or don’t care that the Swimsuit Issue is an influential driver increasing the sexist carbon footprint, making the world a less welcoming environment for female athletes (not to mention women everywhere) to be taken seriously on merits and performance.”
So ladies, who is right, Myra or Mary? Or are we just supposed to simply allow the blatant logical contradiction to remain because they are both women? Because in our world women have the right to have it any way they want it, right? It reminds me of the signs at the Women’s March where one says, “Stop Violence to Women Now!” right next to a sign that says, “We Demand Abortions on Demand.” Ladies, don’t you see the contradiction? And you really want men to take you seriously?
Credibility and the ability to persuade must begin with a consistent worldview.
What is a worldview? By definition, a worldview is “a theory of the world, used for living in the world. A worldview is a mental model of reality — a framework of ideas & attitudes about the world, ourselves, and life, a comprehensive system of belief.” Your worldview helps you make sense out of life. It determines what is fair and unfair. It helps lend logical reasoning to your demands. It is what forms convictions.
Everyone has a worldview, especially the women who are angry. They believe the world needs to operate in a certain way, or else they will get “Nasty!” So what worldview do they base demands for “equality” on? I believe they only have three basic worldviews to choose from:
- A Materialist Worldview
- A Christian Worldview
- A Secular Worldview
I will not include an Islamic Worldview for a few obvious reasons: Most Muslim majority countries, and some Muslim minority countries say they follow “positive laws and state courts for equal treatment under law for women.” But their definition of equal treatment is nowhere near the same idea of equality that American women are fighting for. There is no real equality in labor opportunity in most Muslim countries nor is there real equal sexual freedom in those countries. And the Muslim countries that use Sharia law, (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen) apply the entire sharia code in legal matters for Muslim women. And under Sharia law, women virtually have no rights as American women are currently enjoying nationwide.
So let’s look briefly at the three Worldviews to find where true equality should come from. (And by no means is this exhaustive, just general observations)…
1. Materialism: This Worldview starts with the assumption that there is no God to assign value to human beings. Men and women are all equal for the sheer fact that we are the same species, the same evolved animal, homo-sapiens. So simply put, equality comes from our nature – – both women and men are made from the same stuff. In fact, science now tells us gender is conditioned, sexual preferences should be considered amoral (non-moral) choices because as a species, we only know one thing, how to survive. Nothing is off-limits because materialism has no higher moral authority to tell us what is right or wrong. So ultimately progress in our species is a matter of evolving, and advancement is the result of adaptation, and the only equality that evolution supports is the equal opportunity each group has to advance. The only difference between men and women in a materialist world is their plumbing.
So if some men seem to get higher paying jobs because of their intellect or ability or even their gender, that’s only nature at work. In a materialist world, what are women upset about? Why do they complain about being treated unfairly? Why don’t they shut up and simply compete? Survival of the fittest is about letting the strong win — if strong men would give in and let the weaker species be equal they wouldn’t be true to their nature. Brute materialism affords no one special treatment. If you are a materialist, why should men even listen to your demands for equality? Let the best “animal” win! Survival at work.
Karl Marx says a human being is an economic being, period. So if worth is determined by output, then who cares if you are a man of a woman? Your payment should be based on your output. So if a woman can’t lift us much weight as a man, why should they get paid the same as a man? Why do women sports stars demand equal pay and playing time? In most contests of athletic ability, men will crush them every time. The best boys High School basketball team can beat any WNBA team. Where is the argument for equality?
Women, in a materialist world, do have one advantage over men…sex appeal. So why do they complain when they are seen as sex objects? Does that not help further the race and assure the sexy women of survival? Materialism has no sympathy for how animals use and abuse each other for personal survival. Maybe this “women’s march” demanding equality is how women have learned to survive? They feign weakness so the stronger species will lay aside their superior strength, like a person laying down their weapon before an unarmed man out of pity; only having that seemingly weak person pick up their weapon to reverse the advantage. If that is what they are doing, kudos to them. But this ruse won’t last long. A Materialistic Worldview does not support equality, it favors superiority.
2. Christianity: This Worldview starts with the assumption that there is a God and he assigns value to human beings. Men and women are equal for the fact that we all are made by him, “created in his image.” So simply put, we are equal because God says so. God created both men and women together to fully display his likeness. That is why in Old Testament law, (Genesis 9:5) murder of a man or a woman was punishable with life, because God’s image is priceless. In New Testament teaching, women are co-heirs with men in God’s kingdom (1 Peter 3:7). In Old Testament property laws, daughters are to be included in inheritance (Num. 27:4-9). In New Testament marriage roles, husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and laid his life down for her (Ephesians 5:25). In the Old Testament history, women were exalted as valuable members of God’s nation (Sarah, Ruth, Deborah, Abigail, Esther). In the New Testament Mary was chosen to give birth to the Saviour of the World, and throughout Jesus’ life he exalted women to equal and honored positions in the community of faith.
Women, under a Christian worldview, have clear ground to argue for equality. It is God who says they are to be valued, cared for, protected, and honored (1 Timothy 5:3). But there are some further descriptions of what it fully means to be a noblewoman: Biblical womanhood values the life of the baby in the womb (Psalm 139:13-14), a biblical woman is not to be sexually provocative and purposefully seductive in order to cause men to stumble (Proverbs 5:3-5), they are to respect and honor their husbands (Ephesians 5:33), they are to see the home and raising children as a gift they are specifically created to do (Titus 2:3-5), they are not to try to be men (Genesis 3:16 & Deuteronomy 22:5), and of course they are meant to work and find satisfaction in their job (Ecc. 2:24 & Acts 16:14).
The Christian worldview has a design for both sexes where each role properly fulfilled brings God’s blessing and peace to the world. Women are equal in worth, but unique in role. The problem for most women in the progressive movement is that Christianity places too many limits on their freedom; it’s too restrictive, that is why they really don’t want to fully comply with it.
3. Secularism: This Worldview is strange, it is an amalgamation of both of the previous views, often picking and choosing convictions based on convenience, preference and expediency on an individual level. Secularism by nature is agnostic, meaning the existence of God is not important. However, a general concept of God is quite handy when a secularist wants to co-opt the idea of “equal in created value,” “love wins,” and “stop violence against women.” All of these truths are derived and stolen from the Christian worldview. But that is as far as the secularist female will go with applying Christianity because they don’t want to be limited to what the Bible teaches about women and what they are created to be. If they want to have unrestrained sex, eliminate the baby in their womb, and hate men, secularism steals from Materialism’s amoral worldview. No one has a right to tell anyone else what is right, because hey, we are all evolving in our own way.
To help hide this obvious flip-flop in worldviews, secularism implements a really cool and flexible philosophy called “postmodern thought” to maintain their contradictions with a straight face: “truth is relative, what may be true for you does not have to be true for me.” So tolerance, accepting and affirming each other’s ideas becomes the highest value of all for the secularist. But this is where their Worldview starts to unravel, and if taken to its logical conclusion, postmodernism undercuts their demands completely. Sure they can argue for equality, that is their truth; but can’t men argue for women’s inequality as a new truth? If we say every truth is relative, no one is actually right, so no one has the higher moral ground to be listened to. Why should we care about women demanding equality in a secularist world — and please don’t steal arguments from Christianity unless you are willing to go all the way and condemn the killing of the unborn and calling for sex only in marriage! And don’t steal from Materialism because a world without God doesn’t care what you think.
So tell me again: why are you equal? I think the answer is obvious, we all know deep down God exists and he wants us to love one another. The women’s movement knows this and is using the Christian worldview as leverage to get their way so they can live in their false secular bubble. But they better be careful…God won’t put up with this hypocrisy for long. And God’s harshest form of judgment is letting people have their own way to their own destruction (Romans 1:18-32),
Ladies do you really want equality or just having things your own way?