
  • Reading time:4 mins read

“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”
Mary the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:38)

What was Mary thinking? 

We know the story so well we imagine that Mary did too. But let’s be honest, this is a crazy story, and Mary had to wonder if she was losing her mind? First, she was visited by an angel. What does that even mean? Was Gabriel the size of an average man? Was he sporting a cotton-white robe with long locks of blond curls? Or was he a massive celestial being standing 20 feet tall with wings spreading from wall to wall and bright as a neon sign?

And what about her pregnancy? God’s Son being ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ formed in the womb of a teenager…without…Well, you know? No one would buy that?

So what did Mary do? 

Did she scream in fear? (I would) Did she faint in disbelief? Did she squeeze her fists and eyes tight saying, “I know I can, I know I can, I know I can?” No, the scriptures paint her response in a much more measured way,

“Let it be according to your word.”

Mary simply accepted what the angel said as true. She allowed God’s truth to be realized in her life. That is what belief is. Acceptance of what God is already doing and a willingness to be a part of it.

I like what Marva Dawn says about belief, “I do not believe because I am a good believer or good at believing. I believe because God is believable.”

You see, belief is not dependent on me but on God. I just open myself up to what God asked me to join. People today think belief is all about me and how much faith “I have.” Marva Dawn continues, “We do not manufacture our faith. We don’t bulldoze up better believing, and we don’t force ourselves into finer faithfulness. God’s gifts it in us and gifts it through us.”

We become a channel of grace by belief, not by conjuring up faith.

We live in the age of the “prayer warrior” who believes certain people have more access to faith like Yoda does to the force. If they can just learn how to channel the power God will accomplish more on this earth. But that isn’t true. God is no respecter of persons, all are invited to his table of delicious promises by faith. No matter if you have been going to church your whole life or not. You are welcome!

Like Mary, faith simply believes God can do what he said he can do. Believing rests completely on his ability and character. Mary believed because she knew God was believable.

So the question for you is, do you believe God is believable?

Nothing is impossible for Him!

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