Stuck in the Cabin Again (when you are stalled in your Christian walk)

  • Reading time:7 mins read

Only Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! 
2 Corinthians 13:5

Are you stuck? Does your Christian walk feel non-existent? Honestly, on this cold dreary January morning, mine sure does. Prayer is like pulling teeth for me. Bible reading has been a snooze fest. And God seems distant. I know that he is not, but in the quiet of the night, I often wonder if I am even pleasing to him? Have you ever had those moments?

When I get this way it is usually a sign that I am stuck back in my proverbial cabin again. You are probably wondering what in the world I am talking about? So let me give you some context.

Approximately 15 years ago, I was preparing to meet with a student who had questions about the Christian life. He became a believer a couple of years prior and felt he was stuck in his walk with God. So I scoured my resource file to see if I could find a paper or book that would illustrate the Christian walk.

All I had were pamphlets and studies on how to get saved, and it never really went further than that. Most every student in my ministry was familiar with the picture of the man who was separated from God because of sin, and the cross of Jesus is the only thing that crossed the great divide. But what if you already crossed it, now what? This was the student’s dilemma.

So I had an idea: “What if I made my own drawing that added to this original graphic which would give more direction to not just the baby believer but the mature believer as well? So that is exactly what I tried to do. Here is what I came up with…

If you notice, I still used the cross illustration but I expanded it to help a person navigate a future life with Christ and his church. Let me quickly walk through it with you.

(1) SIN CITY (Ephesians 2:1-4): this is the land all of us are born into. It is ruined and corrupted by sin and the wrath of God is hanging over it. If we choose to stay here in this condition, we are doomed.

(2) THE CROSS (John 5:24): this is mankind’s only hope to escape the wrath of God and be included in his love and grace. When I accept Jesus’ payment on the cross as my payment, I am saved! This is where most Christian churches spend the majority of their time and teaching.

(3) THE LAND OF GRACE (Romans 5:1-10): this new land that is entered by faith puts me on a completely new standing with God. I am his child, and he is forever my God. Theologians call this positional righteousness. I can never lose my standing. But God doesn’t want me to just rest; he saved me to bring glory to his name. (Romans 1:5 and Ephesians 2:10).

(4) THE STEPS OF DISCIPLESHIP (Romans 12:1-8 & Ephesians 4:11-14): God wants me to grow…so does your mom and dad. Living in diapers your whole life is not a good thing; nor is a Christian life of leisure. God has given us steps: Baptism as a Public sign of belonging, joining a local Body to learn how to learn and grow in community, studying and serving, and then making disciples yourself – – give away what you have learned to others.

Now, at this stage in the Christian life, there are many people who are satisfied with simply grazing in the grass of grace which is stage 3. Those who are more responsive to God’s work in the Spirit move on to the different steps in stage 4. Very few move on and up to stage 5…

(5) THE CABIN (Phillippians 3:12-14):

The ones who make it to the cabin are those who have been attending church for years…Sunday church attendance has been a very important part of your life. Because of that fact, many of you have been involved in a number of ministries, classes, outreaches and church programs. You have seen great things happen in your life and the lives of others. Whether you know it or not, you may be in danger of thinking you have arrived when you haven’t…let me illustrate.

Imagine you are going hiking in the majestic Rocky Mountains around Denver, CO. On your trip you bring a back-pack, climbing/camping gear, hiking stick and trail mix that will last you for months. After the first couple of weeks, you have traversed the foothills, made some daring climbs up steep mountain faces, fought off an angry black bear, viewed some wonderful morning vistas, and even crossed some huge chasms in the rock by a steel cable. Wow, what an adventure…at points you didn’t think you could make it, but through skill and perseverance you steadily make it up and down the magnificent range.

Then one day, after climbing a very severe cliff of rock you reach the top of a mountain bluff. Straight ahead is a quaint log cabin. The sign says, “Welcome, all weary travelers. Make yourself at home.” As you take off the heavy gear and turn on the lights you are amazed by the general warmth of the place: Soft couches, stocked cupboard and frig, soft downy bed, and a roaring fireplace. You notice on the mantel there are trophies and plaques commemorating your hard work at the climb. As you sit there you notice that there is a door that is barely open with a cold draft of icy air pouring through, you go to close it and as you look out the back the giant mountain is waiting for you!!

Most of us who made it this far in the church like to sit. We have done enough, let others pick up the slack. We remember stories and retell the exciting memories. But we are not in heaven yet, and as long as we are still above the grave God is calling us out of the cabin to go climbing up his mountain some more.

(6) THE DOOR OF INVITATION (Revelation 3:20): People often use this verse for salvation when it really is a call for more intimacy. This requires discipline and denial of self. Get up off of that thing!! To go deeper with God, it will cost you something. He doesn’t give away his most precious treasures to just anyone…he only will give it to those who most want it!

(7) THE MOUNTAIN (2 Corinthians 3:18): It is time to keep climbing. Ask yourself this: “What areas of discipline do you need to get serious about again (devotions, tithing, serving, prayer)?” Or this, “What do you think will be the reward if you choose to keep climbing?” And finally, “What kind of a relationship do you want to have with God?”

Are you stuck in the comfort of the cabin? 

Instead of making January 1st the beginning of new resolution, start today afresh. God is inviting you out of the cabin and up into his intimacy. Will you come?

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