Shadow Life (A Spring Break Meditation)

  • Reading time:4 mins read

“The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.
(Psalm 91:1)

If God is for us who can be against us?

God strikes fear in the hearts of all his enemies and foes…no one has a chance. So if I hide in him, I should be completely safe…right? If I run to him and ask him to defend me, I should not fear.

But I do fear, I tremble and shake, I worry and fret. Why do I so often feel exposed if God is for me? Could it be that I have drifted out of his shadow and tried to go it alone?

Living under the protection of The Almighty is about waiting…we live in a take charge world. I constantly am demanded to “stand up for myself”, “take action”, and “get busy.” As the saying goes, “Don’t just stand there, do something.” But God says, “Don’t just do something, hide in my shadow.”

Hiding is where I find salvation and deliverance. His darkness covers my nakedness.

But His shadow also demands for my nakedness to be exposed before Him. This is the tough part of hiding. I am forced to admit both my need and my guilt. Hiding demands for my “self” to die, I cannot be harboring secret sin if I am asking to hide under the wings of the Holy One.

I think this is why so many try going it alone. They would rather cling to their soiled toys of sin and corruption and face the enemy alone, without God and his protection.

I also want fame. I want to be somebody. But hiding under shadows and darkness means anonymity. I don’t like it when I am not noticed. So in fact fame, popularity, and applause. . .

– Places me Under Extreme Vulnerability. I can’t face the foe alone, my soul is weak, defeating me is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Satan will pound me alone, that is why James implores all believers to “Submit to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” Satan is licking his chops waiting for me to be exposed, to be caught in my own arrogance and pride.

– Reverses the Roles: Instead of existing to serve God’s glory, I want God to serve me for my glory. I want God to exist for my fame – – I pray so God, the cosmic butler, will answer my every beck and call. There is nothing more dangerous than this, “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory.” (Psalm 115:1)

“Dear God, help me to hide. Glory and fame are not mine to grasp – – nor grand popularity and praise. Stop me from gathering a following for myself. All you ask of me is to do your will…no more than that. And I must not do your will so someday I will be famous, rich or great. My goal is to simply survive this world with your praise being always on my lips.”

I’ve decided from this time forth to go into hiding.

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