Party Protocol for Christians

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Observations derived from Luke 5:27-32

Memorial Day Weekend, Summer is finally Here! Time to party!

But how are godly Christians supposed to handle all the merriment and festivities? Should we engage in the revelry or piously pout in our silent corner of holy separation alone? I have some advice for those of you who are not quite sure…

(1) It is O.K. to go where the sinners are! It is even expected that you learn to like them. In Luke 5, Jesus met a man named Levi (a.k.a. Matthew); he was a tax collector, a profession known for attracting very shady characters. Jesus not only invited Levi to become his follower, but he went to Levi’s house for a major feast with probably 50 of his closest tax collecting, non-religious, friends. Wine was flowing, meat sumptuous. (Luke 7:34)

Why would Jesus go? . . . Why wouldn’t he? Human beings were there – – people he created and knew intimately (Psalm 139:13-18). People he came to die for. He went because he had to…for Jesus loves people. All kinds, types, colors, and shapes of people. They all are his image bearers (Genesis 9:6).

Do you like people? Or do you only have enough compassion for your immediate family and a few close friends? Do you even care that people all around you are perishing? Can you like someone who is holding a beer – – or are they “Verboten?” This is the German term for forbidden, unclean people to get away from. Are you worried they may be carrying a corrupting virus and if you befriend them they might lead you down to Hades? That brings us to. . .

(2) It is not hard for Jesus to go to the party; but for most people, the hard part is to bring Jesus with you to the party. The amazing thing about the story of Levi is that he purposely had a party to introduce Jesus to his friends. He was proud of claiming Jesus as his rabbi. The party was for Jesus.

When you go to parties do you go to hopefully introduce people to Jesus, or is the party for you to have a blast for yourself alone. Is the party for Jesus or for you? Yes, it is O.K. to enjoy a party for a parties sake, but remember, you still are identified with Christ (Galatians 2:20). Jesus still has you on the payroll as an Ambassador for him. Which naturally leads to the next point…

(3) The end goal of meeting people is not for the Christian to like you, but for them to like Christ. But remember, it is hard for people to like Christ if they don’t like you. Many Christians will go to the party and will try to bring Jesus to the party, but usually the only Jesus people see is the Jesus who frowns at the keg, keeps a straight face when a funny joke is told, will never dance, and always goes home early. I can imagine the Christian’s conversation with the average non-Christian at the party…

“Hey, I would like to introduce you to my friend Jesus.”

“Is he anything like you?”

“I’d like to think so.”

“No thanks, he seems a little too dull for me…”

Don’t get me wrong, we are not called to be fools, not every joke is funny, but some jokes really are; and it is O.K. to laugh! Allow yourself to laugh. I do believe we should never laugh at things Christ died for; but c’mon, Jesus has no problem with us laughing at the funny things he made. The passage in Luke says Jesus reclined at the table with Levi’s friends – – he associated with them, got to know them, was interested in their lives. So should we be with people we meet.

Hopefully, when people are around me, I will have something they want…something more than a drunken buzz, sports talk, or conversations about the latest Avengers movie. Hopefully, they will taste “life” when they are around me. And hopefully, the Christ they meet is the dangerous Christ, because…

(4) Liking Christ always ends in repentance. A drunk Jesus is no Jesus at all. An angry Jesus is no Jesus at all. A shallow Jesus is no Jesus at all. We want people to meet the real Jesus through you (Galatians 1:14-15). Because the real Jesus…



is hope-filled

has real answers

If Jesus goes to the party with you, people will be drawn to you because of the above qualities will be present in you. People are dying to meet those who have wisdom. People long to sit with a person that doesn’t need to brag or tell bigger fish stories. People want to be known by someone who cares.

If you learn to do this, parties will be a real blast because Jesus will make his appearance through you. I have seen it happen dozens of times. Jesus, through his Spirit, works through you and me; people come over to talk, people share dark secrets and struggles, people ask deep questions, people eventually will want to meet up later to learn more. Jesus is also pretty good at horseshoes (I can testify:)).

The summer is here, enjoy people, and bring Jesus with you!

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