It was November 5, 2008

  • Reading time:2 mins read

I remember the day well, my candidate lost.

I sat listening to people I completely disagreed with cheering, crying, dancing and claiming the emergence of a new type of leader, “post-racial” they said.

It was anything but.

I was upset, but I continued to live. I prayed for our new President, but I also sharply disagreed with him on many issues. That was my right as an American.

Four years later, my candidate lost again.

Once again I watched people gloat and cheer. Laugh and mock. Insist upon their superior status.

I was upset, but I continued to live. I prayed again, and I still sharply disagreed with him on many issues. That was still my right as an American.

Four years later, my candidate won.

And somehow my vote has ruined the country. Somehow my opinion is evil, harmful, un-American.

Why does it seem that those who claim they are on the side of love are often angry, vengeful and condemning?

Those who advocate for tolerance often lack tolerance?

Why does the world have to end just because their candidate lost?

Here is what I know, “There is nothing new under the sun. God is still in his temple. His mercy is new every morning.”

And last but not least,

“I deserve nothing, and neither do you.” (Romans 2:4-5)

We will all vote again. Don’t worry.

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