Crime & Punishment in 2016

  • Reading time:7 mins read

What is worse? (1) Having a boy who likes to dress like a girl demanding for the right to change in the girl’s locker room, or (2) texting on your iPhone while walking down the street?

Seems like a no brainer, no one wants a locker room experimental free-for-all in a school full of hormone-charged teens. But not so fast…in our present nanny state with our new army of radical, foaming at the mouth progressive liberators, perversion is “in” and public responsibility and freedom is “out.” 

In the first case, some states are now being pressured by the ACLU to allow students to explore and live by their own chosen gender identity. As one article on MLive writes, “When it comes to bathroom access for transgender students, civil liberties groups say the law is clear: Students are entitled to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.”  It goes on to say, “The Michigan State Board of Education aims to make schools more welcoming to students who identify as lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender or questioning. Among the recommendations: School staff address transgender students by their “chosen name,” pronouns that “correspond to their gender identity,” and allow students to use the restroom or locker room that’s in accordance with their gender identity.” 

So if my daughter is showering after her soccer game in the locker room, Johnny is allowed to go in and dress in the same room if he feels like a girl for the day. Something is inherently wrong with that scenario.  It is akin to having a gay Boy Scout leader sleeping in the same tent with your 10-year-old son. It’s not right, and you just know it!

In case two, the state of New Jersey is now discussing the very real possibility that “distracted walking” is to be considered a crime where you can either be fined or receive jail time. What is categorized as distracted walking? Texting, internet surfing or selfie-taking while walking down the street. God forbid if you were to walk into a telephone pole while texting your BFF. Bumping smack into a street sign or innocent homeless man while he is panhandling on the corner of the street is not to be tolerated! 

I ask you, “What is going on?” How are we to understand this Brave New World” of American civility? I have two suggestions on how to make sense of this:

(1) Traditional Standards of Morality are being systematically attacked and destroyed in America. God, guilt and shame are no longer allowed to hold sway over our desires and passions. In our world of fragile egos and overindulgence, the new sin is to make someone feel bad for their perversions, selfish inclinations and sinful lusts. God is the new villain; he wants to take away our fun and right to define our own identity. If I want to be a woman, I am going to be a woman, even if it is more than obvious God made me a man. So to“have it our way” we need to silence God and rip-up his repressive moral laws. Not only that, but our enlightened culture demands that “No one should ever regulate your right to end the life of a child in your womb, when to take your own life, or stop you from sleeping with whoever you want.” We are the new masters of the Universe, regardless of whether it turns the Universe into an open sewer or not – – “stand-down God” – – we are in charge now!

(2)  But we all know if anything goes, innocent bystanders are bound to get hurt. So the liberal “Nanny State” has taken over, they now get to set down the new laws and rules because they will protect us, they always know better. Someone has to be in charge and progressive liberal politics and social re-engineering is now our new god. Progressives, like 2nd-grade elementary school teachers, think they know what is best for everyone and they have taken over the micromanagement of society through arbitrary law and enforced tolerance. Not only that they love to control our personal freedoms as we behave publicly in the community. They watch over our speech, our dress, our gestures and now our texting. Hey, they got doctorates at the elite Ivy League schools so they are definitely smarter than your average mom, dad, construction worker and truck driver. And above all, they can never allow you to feel guilty before a Holy God, it may hurt your psyche.

The Prairie View A & M case:
If you don’t believe me that justice these days is topsy-turvy I have the perfect case-study to prove my point. The African American female basketball coach at Prairie View A & M was recently fired because she had the gall to suspend two of her players after they decided to break team rules and date each other. She had issued a clearly written policy that stated, “Players may not have nonprofessional relationships with other players, coaches, managers trainers or any other persons affiliated” with the team. She said she enacted the rule after an assistant coach had a relationship with a player.

But the two players had filed a complaint alleging that their dismissal discriminated against them because of sexual orientation, and violated Title IX. Title IX is the federal law that bans sexual discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Don’t you see? The players felt discriminated against. Oh no, they might feel offended! We can’t have that! But isn’t the coach African American? And isn’t she a woman? Yeah, but homosexuality trumps both of those. Personal sexual proclivities win these days. And plus the coach tried to enact “rules of conduct” which clearly are an archaic construct of our traditional authoritarian past, we no longer should be in slavery under such bondage. 

The Book of Judges in the Bible is a story of chaos. It details the implosion of society and God’s frustration with a wicked people. The way the book ends describes what was wrong with Israel, “In those days, there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25) In other words, they no longer had a system of authority, and people could do whatever they darn well pleased.  Sounds like America.

I just have one question: If God judged them, do you think he will judge us?

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