Are Gays Being Punished? No…We All Are!

  • Reading time:6 mins read

“As long as idolatry exists in the world, God’s fierce anger will exist in the world.”
Rabbi Rashi

This is the first time I have been asked to blog on a subject by more than four people in the span of a few hours. “I was hoping you would have something to say about the shooting spree in Orlando?” I didn’t because I was still trying to make sense out of it, and I also was waiting for backlash against conservative communities of faith who hold to the position that homosexuality is biblically considered a sin. And I didn’t want to voice my opinion in a culture who think people like me are to blame.

However, the first article I read this morning reported that the shooter’s father believed and taught his son that, “God will punish those involved in homosexuality,” saying it’s, “not an issue that humans should deal with.” In other words, those dancing at a gay bar deserve death by vigilante justice. We should show no pity, and shed no tears.

Really? Is that how we should respond to this murderous rampage?!? The worst in American history?

Many other questions came flooding to my mind: How do I feel about a gay bar being shot up? I am sure many people secretly believe “they had it coming to them?” How do I feel about 50 innocent people being gunned down? How, as a Christian community, are we to respond because I want to love the person but not affirm the sin?

I have four things to say to help give us some guidelines which hopefully will temper our opinions and allows us to voice them with reason instead of knee jerk reactions…

(1) Jesus believes no one is innocent. (Luke 13:1-5)

When Jesus was alive two tragic events happened that were on the front page news, and they were also ‘hot topics’ of discussion for people living at that time. (1) A group of non-Jews went to the temple to worship God and Pontius Pilate had them murdered in cold blood. (2) A giant tower unexpectantly fell over and killed 18 people. Jesus’ disciples wondered if all these people died because somehow they were worse sinners than the average person? Because surely, God only punishes wicked sinners, right?

So, in like fashion, I am sure many people are looking to Orlando saying, “the wicked sinners deserved it!”

Listen to Jesus’ response:

“Do you think that these Galileans (Orlando gay bar customers) were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen (50) on whom the tower in Siloam fell (who were gunned down) and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Jesus is saying something devastating; there are no graded classes of sinners. We all are deserving the wrath of God (Romans 1:18). Ever since Adam sinned, wrath has been a constant shadow stalking us. Cancer, hatred, divorce, murder, lust, discord, adultery, and yes, homosexuality, are all results of a world under wrath. Wrath exists because this world of obstinate sinners (which includes you and me) does not want the righteous rule and help of God – so, he has let us have our way. Imagine leaving a daycare full of 3 year-olds alone for a week without adult supervision, sheer chaos. That is wrath, and we all deserve it because we all want a world without God. We have cast him aside, and now we must deal with it.

Death is coming soon to a theater near you: Maybe not by a terrorist’s bullet, but it is coming, so “Repent!”

(2) Jesus died for all sinners. (John 3:16)

What does this verse say? Who does God love? Everyone. Everyone. Including, believe it or not, the homosexual and the ISIS sympathizer. God loves them. And to win them to himself, he died for their sin. Read the Bible, especially Romans 5:6-11, and tell me, who is left out Christ’s work on the cross.

No one. That is why…

(3) Homosexuals need to hear about forgiveness, not more condemnation. (Luke 24:46-48)

Our job is to show pity, compassion, patience and kindness to everyone. We never can justify the mass killing of a group of people, even if we are not O.K. with their lifestyle choices. As Christians, we never support the shooting of liars, thieves, porn addicts, and the proud, do we? Remember, homosexuality is no different than your gluttony! And I could never imagine us wondering how to view people being shot in a McDonald’s as we do this Orlando case.

We are to weep with those who weep. Remember, we should never rejoice at the murder of the “situationally” innocent. Morally, no one is innocent. But that doesn’t mean they deserve to be shot down in cold blood either.

(4) Islam is a religion of angry thugs. 

If you don’t believe me, read the Koran. Ask women how they live when Islam is given free rein like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan? Their theology does not paint Allah as compassionate, he is known as “Capricious”, meaning – – he does what he does without remorse. Jehovah is a God of love, he sent his Son to die. Allah is a gangster. Islam is a curse.

And if you are a Muslim, ask yourself two things: What do your scriptures teach about infidels? (this includes Jews, Christians and Unbelievers) If Islam is a religion of peace, why don’t you do all you can to rid this world of terrorism? Christians are quick to disavow our radicals: We stand up and condemn churches like Westboro Baptist, they are a complete embarrassment to us. Are you equally embarrassed and full of rage concerning your Muslim brothers who kill? Then say something!!!!

“Yeah, but wasn’t Muhammed Ali a man of peace?” You don’t really know Muhammed Ali if you believe that.

A final word:

Are guns the cause? That is for “the people” and politicians to battle about, but we must admit high capacity machine guns do increase the potential to fuel more serial slayings. Like alcohol and date rape – rape is the sin, alcohol lubricates the lust that causes it.

So, think! Don’t react. Love people, show compassion for the dead. And repent from your sin before you judge another person. Jesus said, “first take the log out of your eye!” (Luke 6:41).

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