Is Jesus Allowed to have an Opinion about who he is and why he came — or does the Pope & Pop-Culture know more than he?

  • Reading time:7 mins read

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

Have you heard the hot religious news?

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Pope Francis declared that “Christians and Muslims are Brothers.”  Following his teaching, a Wheaton College Professor, Larycia Hawkins, decided to don a hijab to show support with all Muslims.  Here are her exact words:

“I love my Muslim neighbor because s/he deserves love by virtue of her/his human dignity,” she wrote in the Dec. 10 post, alongside photos of herself wearing the veil. “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.”

The school acted swiftly, and immediately put the professor on administrative leave. Some student groups and even various Wheaton alumni protested the dismissal. The school held its ground. In a statement released Tuesday night, Wheaton College said it has “significant questions regarding the theological implications” of what Ms. Hawkins wrote about Christianity and Islam. The Daily Herald reported, “While Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic, we believe there are fundamental differences between the two faiths, including what they teach about God’s revelation to humanity, the nature of God, the path to salvation and the life of prayer.” Way to stand strong Wheaton; I say, “Here, here!”

But such a straight forward answer did not play well in the popular media. In discussing this story, “The Atlantic”, an online news source, opened an editorial article by asking this silly question:

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? It’s a question that has bedeviled theologians and everyday believers for centuries. And this week it may have cost a tenured professor her job.”

Really? This question has bedeviled theologians for centuries? Which theologians? And the Dali Lama, Bishop John Shelby Spong, and Rob Bell don’t count. Luther, Calvin, Baxter, Stott, and even the last Pope, Benedict the XVI (better known and Joseph Ratzinger), all viewed Islam and Christianity as two completely different faiths promoting two completely different Gods. There has been no real question on this by honest thinking scholars.

Maybe the Crusaders and Ottoman Turks were simply confused as they sent out thousands and thousands of soldiers to die in battle for their faith?

But we are swimming in a culture of tolerant ooze where religious people of all stripes are no longer allowed to think critically. Jesus has just become another name for Allah, Shiva, the Cosmic Mind and vice-versa. Steve Turner, an English journalist was right as he described our current culture’s mindset“We believe that all religions are basically the same — at least the one that we read was. They all believe in love and goodness. They only differ on matters of creation, sin, heaven, hell, God, and salvation.”

I guess what frustrates me most about our society is that no one cares about what Jesus has to say.Especially when it comes to his opinion concerning himself. He makes some very bold claims about who he is, but current scholars and regular religious folk breeze right by them acting as if he doesn’t know what he is talking about. “Oh, when Jesus says in John 14:6 that he is the only way to the Father…well he doesn’t mean anything by that. It is just symbolism, metaphor, allegory, religious speak to sound good. Jesus also didn’t intend anything by saying in Matthew 26:64 that he is seated at the right hand of the Father and is coming to destroy the earth in the clouds of heaven. Jesus is a sweet guy, not an earth pounding tyrant. How could he say such things when he is the same guy who let the children sit on his lap?”

Could you imagine if someone asked you what you were like, and your friend spoke on your behalf and described you as a completely different person than the person you really are? You would smack them in the chops. “Oh Chris Weeks, I know him well, First of all, he is a great Michigan fan, he loves to eat liver and onions and listens to opera music while reading Harlequin romance.” That’s not me! And my good friend would never falsely characterize me like that.

True friends of Jesus are very careful and precise when they speak about him, In fact, they should tremble (Psalm 2:11) when considering the majestic character of their Lord. And I can assure you, they would never equate the Holy God of heaven with the disgusting Islamic monster named Allah. Yes, I said monster.

Allah is a beast. He only sees his followers as slaves, he treats women as objects, and he has no problem changing his mind when the mood feels right. Read up on Allah and you will find a god who doesn’t mind it, and even encourages it when his followers lie to gain an upper hand over their enemies. Nor does he object when men beat their disobedient wives upon their couches  (See Surah 4:34 in the Koran). Why don’t feminists speak out about the horrible track record of women’s rights in Islamic countries? Why doesn’t this caring and compassionate professor make a public protest about that?

And to top it all off, did you also know the Koran in Surah 9:30 clearly states that those who believe God had a Son should be destroyed? How can you even say this is anything like the Christian message? Jesus words and the Koran are so far apart you have to be a theological ignoramus not to see it!  

Where is the true hate speech? Where is the real intolerance? Just ask Salman Rushdie, visit Iran, and try to sing a Christmas song in the streets of Kandahar. You will be imprisoned in many Muslim cities around the world just for being a Christian. 

One last thing, did you know if you live in Sudan and you name your Teddy Bear Muhammad you will be sent to prison and even threatened with death? Go and read** about it and you tell me who has tolerance problems? 

Nothing and no one compares to Jesus — he is AMAZING! 


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