Fatal Flaw of the Bleeding-Heart

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Another terrorist attack, another shocking display of human hatred, and of course more fodder to offer to the on-going debate of war and retaliation: “To bomb or not to bomb, that is the question?” Emotions boil red-hot on both sides, and so do the opinions of what to do.

War Hawks say we must “payback force with overwhelming force,” diplomats call for caution and measured attacks to contain the terror from spreading, and then you have the bleeding-hearts who call for “love!”

Who are the bleeding hearts? Well, let me give you a perfect example…

Last Saturday, one day after the Paris attacks, Madonna had a concert in Stockholm, Sweden. Here is what she said to the audience:

“There are people who have no respect for human life, and there are people that do atrocious, degrading and unforgivable things to other human beings, but we will never ever, ever change this world that we live in if we do not change ourselves, if we do not change the way that we treat one another on a daily basis.” So far, so good…and then she added, “We must start treating every human being with dignity and respect, and this is the only thing that will change the world… Only love will change the world, but it’s very hard to love unconditionally, and it’s very hard to love that which we do not understand or that which is different than we are, but we have to or this will go on and on forever.”

You see, love is like a magic potion to people like Madonna. If we just show more unconditional love to the sniper on the roof-top and the teenage Jihadist with a C-4 vest strapped to his chest, they will see the love in our eyes and immediately lay down their weapons. And then, maybe just maybe, we can share a nice cold Coca-Cola together with arms linked in harmonious solidarity. Join with me, “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow-white turtle doves…”

I’m sure that will help the Parisians who had a loved one shot down in cold blood feel much better.

The fatal flaw in the bleeding-heart’s reasoning is they think all people are cut out of the same moral cloth. To them, human brokenness is not caused by the workings of sin on a depraved heart, but rather it is because a person never received the love and hugs they needed at an early age. So in their mind all we have to do is smile more, give them some money, and tell them we love them. Oh yeah, and to top it off we could give them all backstage passes to Madonna’s concert and they will really feel the love!

The book of Proverbs says there are three types of people in the world: The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil. And for each type, you must learn to approach them in different ways. The Wise person wants to grow, learn and be a productive member of society. So they are both open to knowledge and responsive to love and kindness. Give them a gun and they will want to protect the innocent.

The Fool is a tricky person to deal with. They may want to do and be good, but they lack the self-control. By and large, they are followers, prone to manipulation and often slaves to their own desires and passions. The Fool needs clearly defined boundaries, which includes the threat of punishment for deeds done wrong and rewards for deeds done right. Propaganda works on the fool, so does brainwashing, and often many of the Jihadists are fools owned and controlled by group number three, the Evil.

The Evil person hates. And in their hatred they want to hurt others; give them a gun and they smirk. Here is the problem with the Evil person — they are masters of deceit. They lie and manipulate in order to kill and destroy. Love will not compel them, in fact, love communicates weakness, an easy target, a sap. That is why you must be prepared to fight and stop evil because it is both devious and dangerous. Believe it or not, there are people out there who will kill your baby and feel good about it.

The bleeding-heart cannot understand the depth of darkness in an Evil person’s heart. They don’t get it. Hate is real, so they are not prepared to face off the evil that stands lurking at the door. If we listen to the bleeding-hearts and let them decide how to protect the population we put all of those we love in extreme danger. Yes, the bleeding-heart means well, but they can become a pawn for evil because they also influence the Fool. And a majority of the populace who vote are Fools, they vote with their hearts.

So what do we do?

Find a Wise person and arm them. Peace through strength. Maybe we need to bring back what Proverbs has been screaming for centuries, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.” Yes, the bible really does know what it is talking about.

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