Demanding Heaven (via Intimidation & Legislation)

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

John Lennon “Imagine”

John Lennon was not a Christian, he didn’t believe in hell nor did he accept the orthodox teaching about heaven. But he sure did long for it. Throughout his celebrated song “Imagine”, John opines for the harmony of all things including humanity, nature and Carl Sagan’s vast and glorious cosmos. His song has become the ultimate vision of a perfect community for every inspiring progressive.

John’s dramatic vision of heaven sure is a wonderful dream —impossible to achieve — but wonderful none-the-less.

Progressives like John, are a funny lot; the more they sing something, and the more taxes they can get their hands on, the more they think they can make all their dreams come true. Most of them have been raised on Disney movies really believing Jiminy Cricket was both real and right when he sang:

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires

Will come to you

And their wish these days is utter and complete tolerance for anything and everything; including and accepting any individual person’s sexual proclivities all the way to giving full political and monetary support to every minority group’s demands, regardless of how extreme or ridiculous they are. That also means insults, disagreements and dirty looks are no longer to be tolerated from the majority group in this evolving utopia known as the United States of America. 

College campuses, like Missouri, Yale and Ithaca, are the front lines where these new Jiminy Cricket coalitions are being formed. If their dreams don’t come true quick enough, (i.e.: the complete abolition of racial hatred and Mexican Halloween costumes) then this new army of Disney dreamers will take matters in their own hands…they will fight, shout down, spit upon, ridicule and throw off campus anyone who doesn’t want their unique brand of peace and harmony. They demand for the old laws to be re-written and authority to be overthrown. Utopia must be taken by force, and John Lennon’s heaven will be, must be, pushed through using the government’s legislative strong-arm process. 

Here is one case in point from an article I found in the Los Angeles Times: “At USC, a white male speaker, apparently frustrated by the discussion on tolerance, questioned the need for diversity training for guest lecturers and whether one student was human at all. He told the packed room that ‘you guys don’t understand how endowments’ and university finances work. Several students groaned, and Cynthia Blondeel-Timmerman, a junior, told the speaker she found the term ‘you guys’ offensive. ‘This isn’t a men’s issue,’ she said.” She demanded an apology.

Don’t you see, poor Cynthia, a card-carrying member of the “Progressive Dreamakers Club”, will not tolerate anyone who may tarnish her desire to have the world the way she wants. Men no longer can call women “you guys.” Blacks can not be considered racist, and the first amendment only applies to the politically progressive.  Political correctness is really getting silly and tyrannical. 

But what is more tragic than that, in all this arguing for peace, no one really understands how true peace is obtained. No one really knows how to fix the brokenness of the human heart. The use of intimidation, bull-horn rallies, mockery and government programs to change people will never work; they are only band-aids for the real problem, Sin.

Sin is killing all of us, sin is why we are all at each other’s throats, blacks on whites, whites on blacks, and heaven is only available to those who are sinless. All sin, not just intolerance, but all sin must be eradicated, including sexual impurity, idolatry, hatred, discord, arrogance, pride, and unbelief must be destroyed as well. This calls for more than just racial reconciliation, this calls for heart transformation. Dreaming that your wishes will come true is putting the cart of heaven before the horse of crucifixion: You must first die to your sin.

So before you point your finger at someone else, before you demand for others to change and treat you fair, ask yourself, “Am I without sin?” Only those who have accepted Christ’s forgiveness can really hope for heaven. 

And what I find interesting, only those who have been forgiven can really forgive others. They are the ones who can look past other people’s insults and never demand their just due. And to be honest, what really is our just due? All my wishes to come true? No. Everyone to treat me with respect? No. To have full access to government subsidies? No. 

​Our just due is Hell.

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