PRAY for Dennis Rodman

  • Reading time:3 mins read

Why in my right mind would I ever pray for a tattooed buffoon who wined and dined with the murderous dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-un? What good would that ever do?

Well, that’s just it! God’s business is really none of my business. When it comes to prayer he wants me simply to pray for people, including my enemies. We think we have life figured out, our understanding of the world and others is THE right view. So, in our conceit, we go to prayer to tell God what he needs to do to make the world better. We advise him on how to run it, who should be the winners & losers, and we offer him OUR great solutions because he probably has run out of ideas.

In reality, prayer works in just the opposite way. I pray because I am helpless, I pray because I am clueless, and I pray because I am dependent for God to carry out, “Thy will be done!”

You may be wondering how Dennis Rodman could possibly ever be part of God’s will? He is made in his image, and so is every one of your enemies & irritants — and Jesus died for them too! You do not have a corner on his grace (otherwise his love would be conditional, and if it was there is no chance for even you!). Did you know Jesus also died for Joe Biden, Rosie O’Donnell, and all atheist professors who wear a tweed jacket? We need too even pray for those who vehemently disagree with our ideas and blog posts. And if you are one of those who hates my writings, you need to pray for me because it is more than obvious…that I need it! And while we are on speaking terms, have you ever once prayed for George Bush or those who wear wide ties to church and love to sing Bill Gaither songs?

Prayer is dependence, not quiet time to figure things out or solve the world’s problems. Mary, the mother of Jesus, knew what prayer was when the host ran out of wine at a wedding. It was an unsolvable problem that she knew only Jesus could fix. And boy did he ever: out of unsuspecting water jars flowed the smoothest wine ever! And yes, it was wine. For those who don’t think so “I’ll pray for you.”

Wait a minute, wait just one minute…after reading this post, does that mean…does that mean…I have to pray for the President too? Especially him!

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