HONESTY is such a lonely word

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Here is the scenario: Your wife is standing in front of the mirror, she is not happy about the way her new jeans fit, she turns and asks you the question that can get you murdered if you answer it wrong, “Do these jeans make my butt look fat?”

Now how are you supposed to answer that? “Yes honey, they sure do!” Or, “Goodrich might hire you to wear those at the next big sports event so you can advertise for them!” All women reading this are probably hating me right now.  C’mon, I would have to be half imbecile ever to answer my wife like that. We all know there is only one right answer, “Babe, you always look great to me!”

Question: Is that an honest answer?

I just got done reading an article on Yahoo’s homepage about one of the top NFL recruits, Michael Sam, who openly admitted that he is gay. The writer of the article praised Sam’s courage and noted how the official NFL position is supporting him as well: “We admire Michael Sam’s honesty and courage. Michael is a football player. Any player with ability and determination can succeed in the NFL. We look forward to welcoming and supporting Michael Sam in 2014.”

The NFL said exactly what needed to be said so the social critics will be satisfied and stay off their back, “We admire honesty, courage.” But do we really? In the same article an unnamed NFL player personnel assistant gave his honest opinion about Sam’s willingness to come out:

“I don’t think football is ready for it just yet. In the coming decade or two, it’s going to be acceptable, but at this point in time, it’s still a man’s game. To call somebody a [gay slur] is still so commonplace. It’d chemically imbalance an NFL locker room and meeting room.”

How do you think Yahoo and the media world liked that assistant’s honesty? They called it, horrible and “patently ignorant, and it’s pathetic that he’d voice that sort of bigotry while hiding behind anonymity.” Wow, I wonder why this assistant was hiding behind anonymity? BECAUSE HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE HONEST!

As Billy Joel said, “Honesty is such a lonely word,” precisely because some honesty isn’t welcomed. You will either be called a hater, a bigot, a pathetic ignoramus or just plain horrible. Can I be honest about homosexuality? It is deviant behavior, it’s just not right, by natural design it is not normal; and yet we must accept it and keep our opinions about it to ourselves. So, stop being so _________ honest! Here are two statistics just to consider:

1) 28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners:  “Bell and Weinberg (two widely respected doctors in the field of human sexuality) reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308.”

2) There is an extremely low rate of sexual fidelity among homosexual men as compared to married heterosexuals.  Among married females, 85% reported sexual fidelity. Among married men, 75.5% reported sexual fidelity. Among homosexual males in their current relationship, 4.5% reported sexual fidelity. (Sources: Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, “Extramarital Sex,” 170.)

That is just the tip of the iceberg when honestly assessing male homosexual behavior. But no one is allowed to be honest about it.

One more scenario: Your son comes home from school and asks you, “Dad, is it O.k. for me to like boys like I do girls? My teacher said it is, and even went on to tell all of us in class how it is a very mature and healthy choice!” What would you say to him?


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