“Hey Look! It’s Brad Pitt & Miley Cyrus!”

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
in the markets she raises her voice;
at the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:
“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?”
 (Prov. 1:20-22)

Great question: “How long, O simple ones?” I think the appropriate answer to that last question is, “For a very, very, very long time.” That is why I cast some tasty bait into the cyber sea,  two celebrity names that I know are always trending, thrown out like minnows for the simple ones to bite on to. I am testing a theory…“I believe American homes &  culture are raising simpletons 25 times the rate as the production of the wise.” To prove it, I picked two of the top media darlings just to see how many hits I get on my Blog. (I was going to put Rebecca Black out there too, but I just couldn’t stomach it and I don’t want to get hate mail). I know it is wrong to go fishing for numskulls, but I am trying to prove a point.

Deep down I want people to read my blog, that is one of the reasons I write it.  If people don’t come to read, I figure then maybe I need to either write better & deeper, display a little bit of more insight, or consider picking up another hobby to better myself, like playing Parcheesi with my youngest daughter. I have only been doing this for two months and I want to get better. So as I mentally wrestled with how to improve, I decided to check which posts in the past two months got the most hits so I can find out what it is that brings people in to read. Well,  I found something that saddened me (I should have seen it coming):

There is a direct correlation between number of hits on a post and silliness.

And the more biblical and serious the subject, the more people stay away. Far and away the most read post on my blog, in just two months time, is the one about the song “Jesse’s Girl.” I don’t think people hit on it for the possible intriguing & heartfelt discussion as much as we are drawn to the banality of pop culture. So that is why I threw Brad and Miley out there. I want to see how easy it is to catch some foolish fish.

So, you may be wondering at this point in the blog, “If I am reading this then that means Chris is calling me a fool?” No, I am simply wondering why we are drawn so easily to things that are so silly? Why do we care about things that are eternally so insignificant that we will spend most of our lives using our brain cells thinking, talking and browsing to look for more of this trash? I ask it to myself, “How long Oh simple Chris will you love being simple?”

Even Alec Baldwin, a frivolous celebrity in his own right, is beginning to ask these same questions toward the media where he once took center stage in. In his farewell piece in the recent New York Magazine, he has decided to stop being a public celebrity because it is killing his life, “They want clicks, I get it. They’ve gotta have clicks for their advertisers, so they’re going to need as much Kim Kardashian and wardrobe malfunctions as possible.” He hits it right on the head. —  we want clicks, traffic, tweets, friends — and the quickest and easiest way to do that is to dumb down! The “Tonight Show” has figured this out, more silly SNL skits with Fallon and the less talk and discussion, the better. It gets more hits.

Christians, can’t we do better? Aren’t we supposed to think? (Romans 12:1)

I know, I know, you would love to talk about it, but something is pressing at the moment. You are going to have a date night tonight with your spouse and you need to check theater times: THE LEGO MOVIE IS HERE!  YAHOOO!

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